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"FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT" It was like a loop of punching and hitting like a never-ending scene. at last, I heard a voice coming from behind me. And finally, we got separated.

"Mrs. Sanchez!" there she was the worst principal ever, I'm dead. she was walking like a penguin you could tell those heels were too tight on her chicken legs.                                           

"To my office! NOW!" great. 

As I walked to her office I couldn't help but just stare at the floor. I guess I was just too humiliated to look up at the kids staring at me knowing this was my 7th fight, it had only been 2 days since we got back to school. I got to the door and finally looked up and saw the shiny gold plate on the door "Mrs. Johnson" it read. I turned the knob knowing my mother would be waiting in the wooden chair. I was right! she was there. Mrs. Johnson looked up at me and smiled.

"well, there she is! our troublemaker" her voice dropped at the last sentence. And mom was staring at me like she already knew what she was going to me.

"Okay so let's start" Mrs. johnson spoke before she started to talk she signaled for me to sit. I did. 

"This is the 7th time you've been in a fight this semester and it's only Tuesday! So I'm sorry but..." she stopped mid-sentence and started writing on some sort of slip. she gave me the slip and continued to talk. "Monica.. carry this slip around and if it gets checked and signed by 3 teachers because of your behavior, you're suspended if it's not signed 3 times in 2 weeks you won't be suspended!" 

what?! There's no way that slip won't be signed in 2 weeks! 

"This is stupid!" the words slipped out of my mouth the second I thought of it. I froze looking over at mom.

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