Part 1

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"I can't believe we're doing this again!" Ada complained while putting on her earrings.
"But dear, we have been doing this every month, for years now."
"Yes, and every month I try to understand the reason behind that. I love Bora's family, but you know I don't like this kind of dinner, aunt."
"Oh Ada, just do what I tell you. Stop complaining and hurry up, I don't want to be late again."

Ada sighed at the thought of listening to her and Bora's families' plans for two hours straight, just like she did every month. At least she would finally see her best friend, who had been weirdly missing for the past few days, which was very unlike him.

"Bora dear, how is work going?" Nergis asked.
"Here we go again!" Ada mumbled, making Bora smile.

After so many years, he had learnt to understand what Ada said every time she talked to herself. Although he knew where that conversation would lead, he still decided to respond.

"All good, we are gaining more and more readers each day. I'm very glad that everything is going as expected."
"Very well, what about love? Has your heart been stolen by someone yet? Should we prepare for a wedding?"
"Teyzeeee!!" Ada reacted in a second, making Bora laugh again.
"Nergis abla, do you think I would change my mind to marry someone in just a month?"

Every month, the same question and answer were repeated.

"Sorry, son, I was just asking."
"No problem at all, and if we are talking about marriage, I hope you know that I am already engaged to Ada." Bora said, making everyone stare at him in surprise.
"Wait, what??"

Ada's heart skipped a beat at those words.

"Well, I proposed to her when we were five years old," he said and started laughing, "remember?"
"Oh yes, that's true, I remember" Nergis confirmed, "you even gave her your mother's engagement ring." She laughed with him.
"Let us know when we should start preparing the wedding," Belma said, I am so excited for it to happen."
"Stop you two, we were just 5..." Ada tried to hide her embarrassment.
"You did say yes though." Bora continued teasing her.

Ada's face went red and her hands started shaking. Without knowing if it was because of the wine or his stupid smile which awakened all her senses, Ada decided to ignore what he had said.

"But you just dated that girl, what was her name, Tugce, right?" Belma asked her son.

An unknown ache stopped Ada, like someone had stabbed her heart.
'What are you doing girl, he is your best friend, you should be happy for him, then why are you...why is it hurting you then?'

"Ada" a voice woke up Ada from her thoughts, "What do you think about this girl?" Belma asked.
"Oh, Tugce. Well, she is...nice, good choice, Bora."

Looking straight into his eyes she drank the whole glass of wine in one breath.

"But Ada, you had a date this week too, right?" Nergis curiously asked her niece.
"I should have had one, but I didn't."
"Why is that? What happened?"
"He never showed up, invented a stupid excuse that my assistant had called him and canceled the date because I, apparently, had work."

The moment Ada's words left her lips Bora choked on his drink and became pale.

"And you didn't cancel it?" he asked more like a whisper.
"Of course not! He was just a bastard that decided not to show up and left me standing there like a fool."

Bora's throat was aching and he was silent for the rest of the night.
'That is not like him at all.' Ada thought.
Half an hour later, dinner had ended and Bora offered to take Ada home.

Throughout the journey, Ada's thoughts were only on Bora and Tugce's date together. She couldn't understand why on earth she was so upset that her best friend had a date. She also been dates, if you can call them that.
Almost every time, they either didn't show up or weren't eager on a second date. Maybe it was her fault.
That realization felt like a stab in the heart.

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