Chapter 01

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It was midst of after summer, students scattered around cleaning, the breeze from the window embracing you with cold air as you breath in. Until you heard a familiar voice calling your name, glancing at their direction to see your close friend aka the libero of your school's Volleyball team, Komori Motoya.

"Y/N skip the cleaning come with me"

"But i haven't done anything Toya—"

"Do i give a flying mosquito Y/N???"

"Well you should, because the teachers will see my ass doing nothing"

"I'll take care of it don't worry idiot"

"Who are you calling idiot???"

Feeling irritation from his insult, you decided to raise a hand to give him a good taste of his own medicine, when suddenly a person stepped in the classroom and kept hearing such swoons from students by just that person's arrival. Looking towards that person, your gaze widens at the appearance of the student. Black full curls, stoic face, and the two moles on the top of his right eyebrow. He was gorgeous, rather breathtaking, then spoke.

"Komori Practice is nearly starting"

"Please marry me"

Toya looked over to Kiyoomi then looked back to you in shook, Your fist slowly going down to act all proper, You looked back at Toya which The first thing that you read from Toya's face was 'This hoe'.


Motoya screamed when he felt his feet getting stepped on.. By you of course. Both of you heard a small chuckle, averting all of your attention to the raven haired ace. You were in awestruck of his smile, it almost made you bite your own lip in public while closing your eyes in bliss, how embarassing. Motoya looked at you dissapointed, yet sighed and faced both of you.

"Kiyoomi this is my good friend (F/N)

And Y/N this is my cousin Sakusa Kiyoomi"

Kiyoomi gave a small smile while reaching out a hand for to shake, You stared at his face while shaking his hand for too long, that made Kiyoomi a little uncomfy slowly pulling away. Motoya wanted to burst out laughing when your smile dissapeared when his cousin pulled away, 'This hoe istg hAHAHAHAHA'.

Holy damn..

You thought to yourself, you knew He, Kiyoomi Sakusa has fucked you up big time.



"Damn he is one flexible man.."


"i know right!!"

You gave Motoya an unimpressed face, as he wiggles his eyebrow at you from just him being called cute, then averting to see Kiyoomi not giving any hint of reaction for his fangirls swooning over him. You stared at him, He looked back then gave you a nod that made you slightly flustered. You were caught staring at him yet he didnt seem to have any sort of reaction at all.

You felt a nudge on your shoulder looking to who decided to take your attention, There was Motoya smirking, He knew you were also head over heels over the taller one giving a heads up about the boy you like.

"If you want to know the ideal woman of Kiyoomi, Be our team's manager"

"As if i'd join just because of a guy.."

A call from the volleyball coach was heard from the distance, gesturing for Motoya to come by, He just gave you a small wave muttering while smirking.

"She'll join in for sure"


"Damn it"

"Hehehe told ya' "

You tried to compose yourself because you lying to yourself, you sighed instead proceeding to give bottled water to the players, looking back at Motoya his face screamed 'You can't make a revenge Kiyoomi's here ›:)'.

Looking away with a small blush as you reached out the last bottle to Kiyoomi who recieved it who gave out a small 'pfft', gazing back at him again to see him with a straight face. You scratched your head, thinking it was you daydreaming of his adorable smile.

As time passed by after cleaning the gym, you stood outside the gym waiting for Motoya and Kiyoomi, You were pacing about how Kiyoomi acted around you, thinking was it a sign if he would eventually see you romantically.. Or was it just friendship he was pulling you in.

You're chest hurted since it may just be friendship that he is asking for, You exhaled a breath making a smoke form on the night cold air, then hearing your name being called by Motoya who was with Kiyoomi wearing the same stoic face. Motoya took both of your hands pulled both of you between him, then placing both his arms around your shoulders, letting out a laugh while all of you walked out the school to go home.

You look at Kiyoomi who was displeased at the moment and you and Motoya started laughing, Both you and Kiyoomi met eyes who gave a small smile then looking away with a small blush on his ears. Motoya however was lowkey wanting to put salt to the wound by teasing both of you.

"Hey couz?"


"What do you think of Y/N?"

Your heart built up pounding as you wait for his answer, forgetting to breath.


They are cute.., daring yet a good person..."

Your flushed face went extremely red by the big compliment from the curly haired boy, who just gave out an honest opinion. You inhaled and said

"Date me then"



Im gonna make all of u cry ♪


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2021 ⏰

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