Dead low tide

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chapter 1 by Hunter love
October 31
palmetto island,Savannah,Georgia 8:27
three days ago a local fisherman discovered the body of Heidi may laveau lying facedown on a muddy oyster bed in savage creek.the fisherman ,whose name has not been released,told authorities he was setting a carb. tarp when he noticed what appeared to be a bottle-nose porpoise washed up onshore."but when i got close i knowed it warn't no dead dolphin. Stank so bad it liked to gagged me ".the fisherman described the victim as wearing a sleeveless white dress,a soggy wrist corsage,and a"bad case of crabs,if you get my look at the crabs crawling all over her face and i liked to have lost my grits,"the fisherman is reported to have said.
i paused and examined the previous sentence... the fish-erman is reported to have said...with a couple of. keystrokes i deleted the passive phrase and automatically saved the story onto our cloud server.I'm an okay writer but not great,and that's a bad thing when you're a reporter for one of the web's hottest alternate reality news outlets.the laveau case marked my nine-month anniversary of writing for the cool ghoul Gazette,an online magazine covering strange paranormal events and occult-like activities.i try to keep the bloody descriptions to a minimum,but i still get complaints(for moms,mostly)that my writing is to graphics and gory. so let me just say this right here,right now: if you're the sort of reader who gets queasy at the mention of bodies oozing blood or corpses with eyes gouged out and bones poking through skin,then STOP READING RIGHT NOW!the laveau case involving voodoo,curses,black magic,disembodied spirits,the walking dead,and a seriously disturb-ing scene involving a goat.
There,don't say i didn't warn your from the abandoned hothouse on savage creek,i studied the blackened mud flat where the body was rumored to have appeared.i say rumored because,other than the eyewitness,no one has seen the corpse.Mist blanketed savage island,making it impossible to see anything more than the shoreline and the tops of the palmetto trees.
on the sand not thirty yards away lay our bikes with handlebars and fenders glimmering beneath a crescent moon.slanting dock pilings sprouted from the sand and extended into black water-the remainder of the pier hav-ing been washed away by a recent storm.that's why i'd "borrowed "the canoe .we needed a way to get out to the weathered bathhouse."mom and Dad are gonna freak when they come back and find us gone."i glanced at sister sat on the floor of the boat-house not three feet from me.Every time she opened her mouth she sounded like a frog being strangled.Normally i work alone when investigating a homicide.And that's what this was-a cold case with a colder corpse.But that night i bought her along on the there we were,hid-ing in the boathouse ,waiting for the tide-and my life-to turn."we'll go in a few minutes,"i answered."come on,'re not going to see a dead body,not tonight,anyway .The only thing dying out here is me...from boredom."
"Good one ,sis."Wendy had picked up a nasty cold before we left Kansas and it had turned into laryngitis.Still,her croaking attempt at humor made me smile."Five more min-utes,then we'll go.""It's not like i can control the Moon's gravitational pull,you know."

"Theis isn't going to be like that vampire story you wrote,is it,where you almost got killed?""Article,"I said,correcting Wendy.

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