Dress-Up ~ Beomgyu

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Y/N went to work and left Beomgyu alone by himself. He had a day off though she didn't. Gyu took it upon himself to do all of their laundry. He did a total of three loads. Both they're clothes piling up from being so busy.

It was getting later in the day, the sun was starting to set as he was folding clothes and putting them on hangers. They window in they're room covered the whole wall. There was a mirror in the corner by the window wall. He caught a glimpse of himself in his pajamas.

His hair was down to his shoulders now, with silver highlights. He wore a sweatshirt and shorts. Beomgyu walked over to the mirror and turned to survey his body. He pulled the sweatshirt back to fit tightly around his form. He smoothed it out and turned to his side, pushing down on his chest to show how flat it was. He smirked slightly at his body.

He pulled the sweatshirt off his body exposed his milky skin. He pulled at the slight tummy he had. He turned around and started putting clothes away. He stopped looking at himself before he found more things wrong with him.

He was putting away Y/N's clothes and set sight on a skirt. It was a black mini skirt. He looked back at the mirror and held it to his waist. Looking at it with a glimmer in his eyes.

His hands ran over the material, his eyes debating on wether he should put it on. Slowly his hands pushed down his pants before stepping out of them. He stepped into the skirt.

His torso still bare he did a twirl. The skirt lifted up as he did so. His giggles filled the room. He smiled and covered his mouth. He saw one of her crop tops and slipped it over his head. He laughed at the sight of himself.

He didn't think he looked bad or funny, he was just happy and those it was fun. He took his phone out and posed while taking pictures.

"Gyu?" Y/N said from the door way. Beomgyu jumped out of his skin once he heard her voice. "What are you doing?" She laughed. She put her backpack down beside the bed. He scratched his neck. "Uhm I was doing laundry and got curious," he said awkwardly. Feeling like he's gotten caught doing something bad.

She smiled. "You started trying on my clothes?" She said getting closer to him. "I'm sorry!" He apologized. She shook her head. She thought he was adorable. "Don't be, you look cute,"  she winked.

This caught him off guard. "Really?" He looked down at her. She nodded. "But your ripping my shirt," she pursed her lips. "I am?" He said looking at himself again. "Oh, sorry," he frowned.

Y/n laughed and wrapped her arms around  his waist. She buried her head in his back. He smiled, his heart calming down from his nervousness. He was glad that she wasn't mad or weirded out.

She kissed the middle of his back. "Do you wanna try on makeup?" She asked. He furrowed his eyebrows. "Wouldn't I look like girl for sure then?" He asked.

She shook her head, "no we can do "men's" makeup".  She said leading her to the vanity. She sat him down.  She put eyeliner on him and mascara and then showed him.

"Oh cool!" He smiled. To be honest Beomgyu didn't know much about gender or anything like that. Of course he knew about transgender people and lgbtq people but other than that not much else.

He looked up at her. "But I'm not trans, so why would I wear girls stuff?" He asked. Y/N smiled. "Now gyu, your not, not if you don't want to be, you just like feminine things," she smiled. "Plus who cares if your a man and want to wear skirts and makeup?" She giggled. He smiled and stood up.

Beomgyu walked back over to the mirror. Y/N walked over to him, he towered over her. "You're the best girlfriend I could ever ask for," he smiled before bending down to kiss her.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05 ⏰

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