Getting together!

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It was a couple of days before Y/n woke up from his slumber as he opens his eyes and sits up only to hold his head in pain

Y/n: Why does Y/n feel this way?

Pink: Maybe its karma for trying to get rid of me!

Y/n looks to his right and sure enough Pink is sitting on the couch next to him as he then gets up with a groan

Y/n: Y/n feels stiff

Pink: Yeah strangely enough I feel tired to? I guess it's were im connected to you!

Y/n: Then lets see Steven he is very hyper! :)

Y/n starts to search the house for Steven lifting up various furniture and calling his name until he gets to temple door

Y/n: Y/n bets the gems know where Steven is! To bad Y/n cant go inside the temple gems are probably in there?

Pink: Hey ive seen this before? Let me try something!

Pink walks over to the door as it starts to glow a bright pink until shes right infront of it as she reaches out her hand and touches the door

Pink: boop!

The door opens to a space filled with pink clouds as Y/n walks inside the clouds get in his face preventing him from seeing

Pink: Now what? these clouds don't allow us to see anything!

Y/n: Dont worry Y/n knows how to deal with the clouds

Y/n then reels back his arms behind his back before he then launches them together the blast moving the clouds out of the way revealing a path with a big hand pointing at it made out of the clouds as words appear next to it "please leave"

Y/n: Okay sorry room?

Pink: Come on lets go!

Y/n makes his way down the path as it slowly goes to a drop and seeing no other way of going down Y/n jumps as he then falls for a bit until he lands with a crash in the gem room

Y/n: Y/n isn't supposed to be here

Garnet: That would be correct

Y/n jumps at the sudden voice before turning around and facing Garnet as she looks at him with her arms crossed

Garnet: A couple of questions. 1 how are you in here?, 2 Why were you talking to yourself?, 3 Why are you in here?

Y/n then starts to recap how he got in here and how Pink let him inside as he finishes though he looks at Garnet as she still had her unreadable expression

Y/n: And that is how Y/n arrived here! :) so does Garnet know where Steven is?

Garnet:................Well then? I dont know where Steven is and you should probably leave

Garnet then gets behind Y/n as she starts to push him to the door as he resist

Y/n: But Y/n is still tired?

Garnet: Which is why you should slee-

Pink: Hah we got her!

Garnet stops pushing Y/n as he turns around to face her as she looks up to him

Garnet: *sigh* Alright what do you want to do?

Y/n: How about we get the Gems and hang out with Steven!

Garnet: Yeah about that? Pearl and Amethyst haven't really been to friendly with one another?

Y/n: Then we will fix that!

Pink: Oh no

Y/n then grabs Garnet before putting her on his shoulders as he moves around the gem room until he sees a puddle on the roof

Pink: That should lead to Amethyst's room

Garnet: This is probably a bad idea?

Y/n then crouches down before jumping straight up and through the puddle before landing on a pile of pillows as he gets up he turns around to see Amethyst staring at them

Y/n: Hello Amethyst!

Amethyst: Uhhh hi?

Y/n: Does Amethyst know where Steven is?

Amethyst: No......but why is Garnet on your shoulders and how are you in the temple???

Garnet: It's best to not question it

Amethyst: Um okay well now what???

Y/n: Now we get Pearl to join us!

Y/n then walks over and picks up Amethyst before heading over to a nearby waterfall pillar

Pink: Pearl should be up this waterfall but the only way to get up there is her door?

Y/n: Dont worry Y/n has a very good plan!

Amethyst: Dude who are you talking to?

Y/n doesn't reply as he crouches down and throws Amethyst up the waterfall as he the jumps up himself landing next to Amethyst with Pearl staring at them in confusion

Y/n: Hello!

Pearl: Y/n! How are you her-

Garnet: Its a long story but to put it simply Y/n got inside the temple and now he wants us all to hangout with him and Steven

Amethyst: That pretty much sums it up!

Pearl: Oh? well I am busy so you guys can go ahead Steven is at the lighthouse!

Y/n approaches Pearl as he grabs her wrist and lifts her to eye level

Y/n: Oh Pearl doesn't have a choice! :)

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