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(Y/N)'s pov:

I heard screaming from outside of my bedroom. "Great... Just another argument. Can't ever get a good night's rest anymore." I said to myself before pulling out my headset and phone I layed in bed listening to spotify before hearing glass break. My eyes widened as I slammed out of my room to see glass on the ground broken and my mum and dad nowhere to be seen. "That can't be good." I went back to my room and packed a runaway bag. I filled a rucksack with necessities including: my wallet, a few of my knives, phone charger, laptop and charger, my multi-tool, rope, a spare set of clothes(black cargo pants, black shirt, and a black hoodie), flashlight, my zippo and lighter fluid, my psp, gameboy color, DsI(Those are all game things I had as a kid. I'm in highschool now if that says anything- i'm old, OK- not really), all of their chargers and games, along with my toiletry bag. I pulled on my black Zelda hoodie that had the royal crest on it in gold. "Time to get this over with..." I pulled out my switchblade from my top dresser drawer only to hide it in my pocket before walking to the kitchen, coating the blade in bleach, lemon juice, and vodka. I walked into my parents room walking as quietly as combat boots could get. I walked over to my dad's side of the bed covering his head with the blanket and slid the knife through the side of his head with enough force to go through the bone. He didn't wake so I felt his pulse only for it to not be there so I pulled my bleach coated knife out and went back to my room. I switched my headset for wireless earbuds and let my hair cover my face as much as it could before grabbing my old halloween mask. 'This thing sure is old but it will do the trick.' I thought to myself. The mask was a remake of the sally face mask due to me having a liking to horror games. Heck even those fake ass stories about slender man, the rake, seedeater, and even Jeff the killer were all really good horror stories that I seem to have liking to. I changed my pants before I left into black cargo pants so I could stuff things in the pockets. I put my mask on under my hair so the mask was being somewhat covered by my hair. 'Cmon (Y/N) get yourself together. You know you can't face mum like this..' I thought to myself before pulling my bag over my shoulder and grabbing a few sets of spare earbuds and shoving them in my pocket before unlocking my window. 'I really want to go out the front door but I know it'll set off the alarm...' I thought before remembering I was on the second floor. I sighed to myself before climbing out of the place I once considered a home. 'More like a heavily broken home, my mom was jus-' my thoughts were cut off as I fell out of the window onto the tree roots that came from the tree that's right out of my window. Glancing at my leg I couldn't feel it. I stumbled up and remembered I always have bandage wrap in my bag, and a lot of it at that. I unzipped the pocket. I called a first aid kit and took out some of the colorful wrap. "For fucks sake im so glad im leaving-" I said slightly aloud before wrapping my leg in the lime green wrap which was the first one I pulled out and proceed to pull my pants up and wrap my left arm and my left knee where I fell and used my arm to brace the impact. I noticed a pool of blood around me but ignored it and pulled my pant leg back down and continued my walk into the forest. I began to get a really bad headache before noticing a tall figure that looked as though it was Slender man. Before I could do anything I passed out.

Jeff the killer's pov:

I was walking through the woods before I stopped only to hear a crashing sound coming from near me. I jolted around only to see something crash down from a window. They looked okay but I crept closer before being stopped by Slender. "Go back to the mansion I'll deal with her." He told me, causing me to retaliate. "I saw her first, it's my kill!" Slenders tendrils thrashed violently. "Jeff, you heard me." he stated with a stern voice. I rolled my eyes and walked back to the mansion dragging my knife on some of the nearby trees making my way back to the mansion. "Oi Jeff!" I turned around to see Ben crouching in a tree. "Come up here!" he scooted over on the branch as I put my knife in my pocket and gripped the branch he was on and kicked up onto it. "Now, what exactly are yo-" he cut me off by covering my mouth. "shh... watch slender." he pointed to where Slendy was carrying the person from earlier. "She just killed her dad who was asleep right next to his mom with a switchblade.." he said quietly as slender walked past us. "You two inside. Now!" he said, presumably referring to us. "Damnit Ben this is your fault." I turned just to see glitchy pixels with Ben now gone. "Ugh" I rolled my eyes and jumped out of the tree following behind Slendy who carried the girl into a room. "Ben go get her bag. I know you saw where I got her from." He laid her on the bed and grabbed the first aid kit turning to me. "Shit! Jeff tend to her wounds. I forgot to pick up Sally and Surrender!!" As if he was never there in the first place was gone in a flash. 'Really? why not Ben- Actually he's a perv he'd probably do something sexual..' I thought to myself as Ben glitched beside me. "Jeffrey, I think she was running away.." He sat her bag on the ground beside the bed. "God, I know the adults who live in that house. It's a good thing she is out. I watch the house every night and they are always arguing and fighting." I added, sighing deeply. "Ben if you're gonna be in here don't do anything stupid." He gave me a yes sir and sat on the floor messing with the first aid kit. I sighed deeply before I started to remove her clothes to see exactly what was wrong. I started with her mask setting it on the nightstand and then went to remove her hoodie. "Oi Ben. Its Zelda." I grinned tossing the hoodie at him. "WOAH!" He said loudly, earning a kick from me. "You ass-" He grunted and slaped my leg as I removed her shirt and tossed it at Ben. "Whatever I throw at you, fold it." I saw she had slashes all down her arm and some large scars coming from her back on her sides. The blood gushing out of her arm began to stain the sheets so I began with her boots and pants. The boots were tossed to the floor but Ben got the pants and took them to the wash with her other clothes. I grabbed the rubbing alcohol from the kit and washed out the wound only to see there were spinterey pisces in her skin. I got the tweezers and pulled out the pisces. After I cleaned every wound I grabbed the bandage wrap out of har bag and cotton balls from the first aid kit and covered each wound in it. I felt a slight amount of heat go to my face so I looked to Ben as he walked in the room. "Did it just get hot in here-" I asked him as I looked back at the girl. "Dude your face is crazy red!" He teased me. I rolled my eyes and covered her up in a blanket.

Nobody's pov:

Slenderman walked back into the house. "We're back!" he yelled letting everyone know as he ran up the stairs only to see Jeff sitting on the bed drifting in and out of sleepiness. "Jeffrey, go to bed." Jeff only nodded and left the room. Slender was left in the room and looked to see what Jeff had done to the wounds. "God (Y/N)... What did you do..?" He put his hand over (Y/N)'s head and then walked out of the room. Laughing Jack who was hidden in the shadows of the room stepped out behind slender. "Who is she to you?" Lj asked, touching slenders arm. "An old friend of mine was close to her and it was my job to keep an eye on her but then I left that to Ben which was a bad idea." Slender man stated before Lj walked away and Slender walked the other way.

Ben's Pov:

I walked out of the game room where I suddenly remembered that Jeff looked quite sad when he was with (Y/N). I mean who wouldn't be when you know she just killed her dad right next to his wife- To be fair he killed both of his parents and almost his brother so I really don't understand... I walked out only to see Liu leaving Jeff's bedroom. "Hey Liu, can I talk to you?" He nodded "Whats up?" I sighed. "Do you know what Jeff and (Y/N) had? Like in a past life or something-? He looked kinda sad and embarrassed. Mostly sad though." Liu looked at me like I should already know. "Me and Jeff were close with (Y/N). After he saw her like he did it reminded him of what some of the kids in grade school were doing to her. And when I say that I mean that the major bullies of the school had her in just a bra and underwear in the hallway tied to a locker. Jeff was the one to help her and it just so happened that said bullies are the ones who fucked with me and Jeff when we first moved out of new orleans. When they tied her down there were rope burns all along her wrists, ankles, and her neck." He continued the story but I kinda got lost in thought. 'Who would do such a thing to a girl.. I know what I do is pushing it but that's just wrong.' I thought to myself aloud before walking into Jeff's room. "Jeff? Are you awake?" I saw him sharpening one of his knives. "I should have been the one to save her.. And kill her supid abusive dad!" he yelled the last part throwing his knife at a picture of him, Liu, and I assume was (Y/N). I looked at his face to see it was stained with tears. "I'm going to make sure nothing ever happens to her again.. Its my fault it happened in the first place." he sighed and laid on his back with his arms behind his head. "Just go away Ben.." he grabbed his hoodie off of the floor and covered his face with it. "Okay?" I walked out only to see slender in front of me causing me to glitch behind him. "Sorry- that wasn't on purpose!!" I turned to Slendy as he faced me. "Yes, everyones going to bed so I'd like you to go as well." I sighed and then went over to my room. I laid in bed and began to think. 'Why does he care so much..' I ended up getting on my Xbox and fell asleep while on it.

Okay Crow/Author boi here. I forgot to even say anything about this but this story is actually one of my ocs a back stories but I didn't involve the back to the story- anyway! This has 1985 words minus the author's note- Thank you so much for reading I love feedback >///< if you have any that would be great!!! Also I'm speeding on part two cause a friend of mine is bugging me to finish it- Thanks for reading!! Have a nice rest of your day//night!!
Crow out~

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