- My Orion -

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I walked through the dark forest once more, away from my home and others, away from the bright artificial lights that hid the beautiful night sky. I did this whenever the moon wasn't bright, and whenever the sky was clear. All for my beloved Orion. He lived in the sky, staring down at me as I stared up at him. Oh, how I longed to be by his side.

It wasn't long before I reached my clearing, where I rested in the cold, dew-covered grass and watched the night sky. Watched my Orion. I always hoped he was looking down at me, wishing he was with me like how I wished I was with him.

As I gazed at the vast and dark blanket enveloping me, I thought of ways to see Orion. How would I be able to meet him again, before we were separated? It pained me to remember what had happened, all those years ago. When he died in my arms and turned to stardust, when I watched the wind blow him away into space, and how he speckled the sky. He died protecting me in a war, but for what? All I had ever needed was him, my beloved Orion. Without him I felt as if a hollow shell, the only thing keeping me alive being the thought of him.

A few warm tears fell down my cheeks, and I quickly wiped them away. If Orion had seen my like this he would've wiped them away himself and pulled me into his strong arms. He would've promised he'd keep me safe. Unfortunately, he did keep that promise, and died because of it. A surge of anger flew through me. I sat up, accidentally ripping some grass from the ground. I sighed after realizing what I did and wiped my hand on my thick pants. The night was cold, and as I took a deep breath to calm myself I could see the smoke of my breath. I smiled and lied back down, sinking back into the earth.

As I was spread out on the soft dirt, imagining meeting my love again, a sudden idea popped into my head. What if I asked Moon for help? Surely they wouldn't mind. After all, many people talked to Moon and asked for guidance. But Moon wasn't here tonight, it was just the stars and Orion. And so, I decided to ask Moon for help when they were fullest.


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