The Legends of Twisted Felix Katt *teaser*

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There's something a little spectacular about staring down the barrel of a gun. Yes, this has happened to me enough that I've come to that realization. It would be a sad state of affairs except for the small fact that I am still here aren't I? I'd like to say that my continued survival was all my own brilliance but the truth was, as much as Murphy likes to bend me over and paddle my back end with her Laws, I was smart enough and lucky enough to have picked a good crew.

Sadly, I was staring down the barrel of a very familiar gun held in the dainty looking grip of my second in command Van. So maybe I should take that whole 'good crew' thing back eh? Then again, we had gotten chased through an asteroid field, hunted by Hounds who wanted to collect a bounty on my head and that incident HAD cost Van her leg. So maybe I sort of deserved a little resentment and anger. Add into that fact that the Shuffle that had come through really did hump our hides in a painful way and I could forgive the whole gun in my face thing. But I was starting to get a little pissed that it was MY GUN. I really gotta stop with letting people take that .45 from me. I earned it fair and square by taking it from a dead woman. Who had ironically pointed it in my face just like this several solar months ago.

"Now Van, this is over reacting just a little bit isn't it?" I suggested, trying to keep my voice calm and friendly.

"Not really Felix. In all reality it's probably a little over due. When it comes down to it, I want to survive. And right now, that means I have to take you out. Sorry Captain. But you have to die." Van's voice was cool and without regret as she thumbed the hammer of the pistol back.

She wasn't wrong. With the way this Shuffle was going, their best chance at living was to have me die. But I wasn't about to go down without a fight. I just wasn't sure if we'd both survive it yet. And a part of me was really starting to wonder where the hell my blood slave was. Goddess today was not my day.

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