A Friend in Need

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"Yay! Today is the day!" The 10 year old boy cheered. This boy was named Chris. He was very excited to get his first Pokémon. He had already gotten his clothes on for this new part of his life. Why was he so excited you may ask? Simple. This boy never had a friend. Anytime he would try, people would laugh, call him names, or just flat out ignore him. He was also a bit too nervous to make friends with Pokémon. He knew there were many big and dangerous Pokémon out there. He wasn't going to take chances.

Chris's mom smiled at the excitement of the boy, "Look at my boy. All grown up! You've grown so fast since I've held you in my arms." She said with happiness in her voice, giving Chris a hug. Chris immediately returned the hug. He knew they were going to reunite when he went on his adventure... well he hoped so.

Chris put in his backpack and gave his mother one last hug before his departure. "I love you mama."

"I love you too sweetie. Just remember, no matter how far you get in your Pokémon journey, I'll always be proud of you." She said, giving him a kiss on the nose.

Chris smiled and waved goodbye to his mother, closing the door to his house. Looking out at the small but beautiful Pallet Town around him, he decided to walk around Pallet Town before heading to the Professor's Lab. He saw many Pokémon running or flying around the small town. All of them were with other friends most likely. Chris sighed, wishing he had a friend similar to everyone else here.

Seeing a small lake, he decided to walk over to it. Needing something to cool himself off anyway. Once he got there, he noticed what looked like a Vaporeon gracefully swimming. But he also saw something else. An... Eevee? Why was an Eevee swimming with a Vaporeon? Is it trying to be like Vaporeon?

Before Chris could answer these questions, he noticed the Eevee started to struggle to swim with the gracefulness of Vaporeon. The head of the Eevee continue to lower into the water. It looked like the Eevee was drowning!

Chris got worried. He didn't know what to do. He didn't know how to swim! But at the same time, he had to save the Eevee. Having no more ideas, Chris reached out as far as he could into the water. He reached as far as he could until... he felt something fluffy! Being careful, he slowly pulled his arms back to show that he managed to barely snag the coughing Eevee.

The Eeevee coughed many times, trying to get the water out of its lungs. Chris pat the Eevee's back which was able to help the Eevee get the water out. Once finished coughing, the Eevee looked up at Chris and smiled at him.

"Voi!" It happily made a sound, snuggling in the chest of the shocked Chris. Taking a good look at the Eevee, Chris noticed a heart shaped pattern on the tail. This meant this Eevee in particular was a female.

"You poor Eevee. I need to take you home and dry you off." Chris stated, walking home with the wet Eevee in his arms. Eevee loved the warmth that this human was giving her. She was very grateful for saving him and gave him a quick lick. Chris, feeling this, giggled a little. "You're Welcome Eevee. Now let's get you home."

Chris didn't know it right now, but little did he know. This was only the start of his great adventure in Kanto.

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