Chapter 5:Don't You Dare Forget The Sun.

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Austin's P.O.V:

I was running closely behind the bed that Zundra was being carried on. They went through a door and I felt arms around me. "Let me go, please I need to be with her!" I shouted. "Calm down Austin, you can't be in there." Alan's voice racked through my mind. CALM DOWN!? I pushed him off me and looked at him. "You shut your fucking mouth." Alan's eyes grew wide. "I- I'm...I didn't mean to hurt her. I was angry, you know I have anger problems, I know that's no good reason to ever put my hands on her. I'm sorry Austin, this is all my fault." Alan fell to his knees and started crying. All the anger I had towards him just vanished.

I was holding Alan and trying to calm him down he just wouldn't stop crying. "Alan, please I'm sorry. Please just calm down." He shook his head and his cries became louder. I've never seen him like this, the last time I saw him cry like this was when his cat died but even this was worse. I could feel Alan gasping for air. "Alan? Alan are you okay?" He was shaking and he was going pale. "SOMEBODY HELP!" I screamed. Tears now freely falling down my cheeks. Nurses came running over and rushed to Alan's side. They pushed me back away from Alan and rushed him into a room behind those doors that haunted me.

I just sat there with my knees to my chest against the wall crying. "Austin, they'll be alright." I shook my head at Shayley's words. "I can't live without them." I cried harder. Shayley came to my side and hugged me tightly. "Please don't do what Alan did." I laughed a little and wiped my tears away. "I wont." He laughed and patted my shoulder, "Good." Shayley stood up and offered his hand out to me. I accepted it and he helped me up. I dusted off my pants and sat in the chair beside Shayley.


"Mr.Carlile?" I felt somebody shake me. I snapped my eyes open and looked around and my gaze soon found somebodies in front of me. "Yea?" I sat up and ran my hand through my hair. "Well, we were able to flush Zundra out in time before the pills settled in to her system. She's resting right now and will be released tomorrow afternoon. She needs to be on suicide watch, really close suicide watch. As to Alan, he is going to be put on anxiety pills as in response to the break down he had. He should be resting as well. He will be out soon. No stress should be put on him for awhile he should also be put on suicide watch because we found some self-harm cuts on his body. Well that will be all, so you can go in to see Zundra now, but be very quiet." The doctor smiled at me and walked away.

I sat there confused, hurt, upset and angry. How could Alan not tell me he was doing this to himself. I noticed he has been acting different lately but I never knew it would end up like this. I sat there for a few minutes thinking before I actually got up and headed to Zundra's room. I took a deep breath and opened the door. The sight, it just, it made me want to drop dead. She looked dead, her once care free happy face was now gone and was pale. I couldn't handle seeing her like this. Tears started flowing freely. I walked up to her bed side and grabbed her hand and held it in mine. She moved a little but quickly stopped.

I sat there for awhile holding her hand in my mine. "Austin?" My head shot up and my eyes were wide. "You're awake!" I said fast. She laughed a little and nodded. "Baby, I'm sorry for everything, believe me. I love you so much. Please, just promise me you wont ever do this again?" She looked at me and I could see she was about to cry. She nodded her head and tears started flowing down her cheeks. "I'm so sorry. I love you so much Austin, I promise I wont ever do this again." I got up and hugged her tightly and kissed her. Her lips were so soft, so gently with mine. I pulled away and looked in her eyes. They were so lost. I tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and away from her face. She smiled and kissed my nose.

Zundra was fast asleep so I left her room so she could sleep in peace. I walked into the waiting room to see Alan and Shayley, I looked over at the guy beside Alan and as soon as he lifted his head up I just wanted to leave. "Austin, how is she?" Alan asked, his voice raspy. "Yeah, she's fine. She's coming home tomorrow afternoon." Alan nodded his head and looked down. Shayley smiled and nodded his head. "Austin, can I talk to you?" Tony why would you even ask that? "Yeah, no problem." Liar!

Tony and I went outside to talk so we didn't disturb anybody around us. "Hear me out." I nodded and waited for him to continue, not really caring to what he had to say. "I know Zundra told you, I'm sorry. I don't know what I was thinking, just please don't hate her it wasn't her fault. She cried after everything was over. I understand that you hate me, and I'm so sorry about everything. I just, I couldn't keep the way I felt for her to myself." I took a deep breath and looked in Tony's eyes. There was regret and sorrow written all over his face. "Tony," Tears started running down his cheek and he sat against the wall and put his face in his hands. "Its all my fault. If I kept my mouth shut none of this would be happening."

I sat beside Tony and just let him cry. "Tony, listen I forgave Zundra, I'm not mad at her. I don't hate you, I'm just hurt that my friend would do this. It will take some time to fully forgive you, but listen, this isn't your fault. If you were me and I had the same feelings for Zundra I would come clean too. We all just need to be strong for her." I got up and helped him up. I hugged him to reassure him. We walked back inside and I saw Alan sitting in the corner on the floor with his knees to his chest. I looked at Shayley confused. "We were talking about what he did and he started crying. He freaked out and kept backing away from me when I tried comforting him." Shit.

I let Alan sit there for awhile before I got up and sat in front of him. He didn't even look at me he just kept his eyes glued to the floor. "Hey Alan, how are you feeling?" He backed away from me and hid his face. "Alan?" I was starting to get worried. He never acted like this. "Alan, your scaring me, please say something." He put his head up and looked at me for a second before looking down. I noticed something on his neck. "Alan what is that?" I moved closer to him and he backed away from and started shaking. "Alan, calm down." I reached for his arm slowly. He tried backing away but the wall was stopping him. I moved his hair and saw it with my own two eyes. "Alan, you tried hanging yourself?" I whispered, in shock. He looked at me and he started crying. "Alan, please don't cry. Please, I'm here everything's fine."

Alan eventually passed out in my arms after I comforted him. He ended up talling me everything and he told me he just didn't want to be around people. I sighed and picked up Alan and carried him over to Shayley. "Hey Shay, can you bring him over to my place and then could you maybe pick up Robert from Alicia's and watch him?" Shayley nodded and smiled. "No problem." I put Alan in his arms and he headed to the doors. "Wait I'll help you, if you don't mind." Tony said and looked over at me. Shay and I nodded and he went with Shayley.


I laid there watching Zundra as she slept. I watched her chest rise and fall with every soft breath she took. I smiled and got up. I headed downstairs to see Alan sitting on the couch with his knees to his chest. Robert was in his play pen and Shayley was nowhere to be found. "Alan?" He turned and looked at me before turning back around and looking at the floor. "Where's Shay?" He shrugged, "Downstairs, sleeping." I nodded and sat beside Alan. Alan moved away from me. I sighed. "Alan how long are you going to do this?" He shrugged. "You think, I like being like this." He put his head on his knees and his body started shaking. He was crying. I rubbed his back and I felt him tense at the sudden contact I made with him. "Alan calm down, I'm sorry." Alan was so fragile, his emotions they were just so precious.

I sat there and just watched Robert crawl around in his play pen. I just want my best friend back. I never knew he was this stressed and depressed. Oh god, I didn't even notice. I'm such an idiot. I wish Zundra could just be happy again. I'm going to try so hard to make her happy again, I just want her back, her and Alan.

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