Oh, Christmas tree

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"But that one looks so ugly!" Seokjin complains, "We're definitely getting the other one."

"Since when has your taste in trees been so weak," Namjoon mutters, "That one looks like it miraculously survived a forest fire."

"It does not!" Seokjin whines obnoxiously.

"Does to~" Namjoon teases further. "We aren't getting that one."

"Clearly you aren't imagining how this one would look at the dorms. It takes up too much space and it has flat spots; it's totally gross."

"This one looks fine!" Namjoon retaliates, "You're thinking too much about it."

"Fine, I'll just buy that one with my own money, and you buy this one. That way we're both happy."

"Jinnie, we don't have room in the dorms for two trees." But Seokjin was long gone.

A few hours later Namjin heard an earful from Yoongi and Hoseok, who definitely were not happy with the two ugly trees in their cramped living room space.

When they asked who's idea it was, the boys, typically, blamed each other for the mess of branches drowning their TV area.

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