I finally found it

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hii everyone!

hope you are okay~

this is a one -shot that I really wanted to do but originally, I was going to do it after finnishing " the weak and pitiful one become the strongest" .because I dont like to do two storys at the same time.

however , since it is a one-shot and not another fanfiction ,I decide to write it now.

it better to read the side story lovely princess dimension before reading this , so that you would understand the story pefectly
you can find it in wattpad.

anyways , after reading it I felt bad for lucas [ lovely princess] because he met athy and fell in love with her but she kind of reject him since she love the lucas we know[ wmmp].

this one of the reason that made me want to write this one-shot .

he decide to go to her dimension but because lucas[ wmmp ] is jealous he used magic and lucas[ lovely princess ] end up in seoul.

this all I wanted to say .nice reading~
hope you like it.


" ahhk! my head .... because of that bastard I end up in another weird dimension ..... and my mana is even weak" lucas said while helding his head.

' it's difficult to use magic here .' lucas thought.

" what is this strange place? I cant leave for now my mana drop easly." lucas said while thinking.

" I can't use magic recklessly , it is worse than the world tree" lucas said annoyed he get up .

" lets try to teleport somewhere to test how much I can use it " lucas said ready to teleport .

he snapped his fingers

then the place changed but...

normally when he teleport his feet are still on the ground however this time it wasn't the cause the first thing that come to his sight was.......a ceilling....

because of the gravity he fell ready to touch the cold floor , instead he was welcomed with a scream and something or rather someone.

" Ahhhhhhh!!" a scream was heard ,it was a woman.

regardless of the fact that his ears are probably bleeding from the scream , he understood that he teleport to someone's house and that he fell on the owner.

he slowly rose up and saw the woman under him .

she look around her twentys , brown hair, her face really pale big eyes .

she is ordinary but she looks a littel like athanasia.

maybe its the athanasia of this dimension.

he really is tired of searching but he is too stubborn to stop

the athanasia of this world look at him with wide eyes and confusion writing all over her face.

but she doesn't look scared.

her hand moved to lucas's face .

" am I dreaming.?" she said surprised.

she was going to sleep but suddenly a man who is the most beautiful being she ever saw appear .

'he looks like a doll' she thought .

" don't touch me." he said a littel harshly.

he doesn't like it when people touch him but right now he is really weak .

one-shot ) I finally found itWhere stories live. Discover now