Night One

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The 10 year old wandered through the streets. The neon lights burning holes in his retinas. An odd aura draws him in. As he gets closer big letters become very clear. Even though he's not good at reading, his hearing works for sure as a parent strides with their child in tow.

"Are you ready Jean?"

"I can't believe you're letting me go to Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex!!"

"I did say you could do anything for your birthday right?"


The boy turned away, it hurt, he didn't really know how to describe the feeling of wanting to be in someone's place hating that they had something he didn't. To be fair he wasn't ever taught much of anything how to read, basic communication skills, or the concept of monetary gain.

The child slowly approached the doors. Pushing them open and checking his surroundings. Curiously pushing his way past the crowd and slipping through the gates. It was warm here, much nicer than staying outside.  The noises of kids crying, kids playing, arcade games beeping surrounded him. It was almost overwhelming the amount of noise this place produced.
Still a kid, eventually(as you should know the rule never stand still in a children's war zone) ran head first into him.

"Ow!" The young girl yelped.

The boy flinched scrambling to his feet and frantically looking to hide. Eventually slipping behind a potted plant.

"Hey, sweetie. You okay? I'm sure Jean didn't mean to run into you." A soft motherly voice spoke. A pale yet welcoming hand reaching out to him. Reluctant, as any parentless child would be, he took her hand. She helped him out from behind the plant and fixed his hair.

"Whats your name?"

He paused.. what was his name? He didn't know he knew from people watching everyone had one. Similarly to how you'd name a pet. His brown eyes darted across the Pizzaplex he had to say something.

"I.. I- Umm.." he sputtered a memory back from weeks ago slipped into his mind.

"G-Gregory..." he smiled awkwardly

"Do you know where your parents are Gregory?" Uh oh, well he's royally screwed.

"They.. there picking me up later... my m-mom has to do.. something.."

"She must work hard. Huh? Well if you'd like you can stay with me and my daughter Jean."

"Mom!! Can we share a pizza!"  She squealed. "I want some pizza!"

"Okay! Okay! How about you both go play some games, you've got the watch. I'll go grab some pizza and call you two back over." The woman hummed.


Before he could even really process any of the earlier events.
A robotic voice spoke.

"Freddy and the gang are tired from their work, and such the Pizzaplex is closing for the night. Please make your way to the exits now and thank you for choosing Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex."

He rushed over to the front entrance. His eyes widened as he saw the security gate close. Well he's now stuck. Only for one night, shouldn't be too bad.

He turned and ran straight into a tall woman. Her blonde hair swished as she stood her ground.  "What are you doing here? You realize the Pizzaplex is closed right?" She huffed her stance carried all the words for her. Well this was his end.

"I-I-I'm sorry! I-I didn't mean to stay here! I was trying to exit I promise! Please I'll-I'll do anything.. I-I don't have much...or really anything to give.."  the child sputtered. His hands frantically waving in front of his face as he attempted to run.

"Woah, woah.. hang on kiddo.. I'm not going to do anything to you.. let's be clear. I'm just wondering how you managed to stay in the building.. your parents are probably worried sick."

"Well I-Umm .. I don't really have parents.." he mumbled softly

"What do you mean you don't have parents? You realize that they're probably looking all over for you right?"

"I don't have parents.. I live alone out there.. the streets.."

"So you're homeless?"

"What does... oh.. yeah.. I guess you could say that.." he sighed. "I can leave"

"Nope.. not happening on my watch.. it's part of the contract.. we have to watch over all children. Even if they are rule breakers. However I have a job to do so. How about you stay with Freddy." She smiled leading Gregory up to the main stars room. And slowly pushing him in. "Freddy we have a straggler.. can you watch him?"

"V-Vanessa it's after hours. I was already starting my shutdown protocols."

"Does it look like I care, I can't watch him. You're literally built for it. So watch him or I'll send you to the scrapyard."

Gregory yawned, it was later than he'd normally stay up. Not to mention the fact he was playing with another kid for several hours.

"My scan shows your body isn't in the best condition. Perhaps you should lay down for a bit."

"N-no Im okay." He rubbed his eyes, feeling tears well. From the sheer exhaustion of it all."

"No no superstar, I insist, I will have my friends bring you up one of the blankets from the gift shop. So please try and get comfortable."

"Ugh fine.. I'm not sleeping though." Gregory protested. His hands cross over his chest. Freddy knelt down in front of him. Putting a small rockstar plush in the child's lap. Bringing the softest of smiles onto his face. "T-Thanks .." he mumbled. Curling up with the stuffed toy in his arms.

Before long the sound of his gentle snoring soothed the animatronics nerves.. or what simulations made out of them. He slowly crept out of the room. Seeing Roxy near his room. "Roxy." He half shouted. Gaining her attention "could you bring me a blanket from the gift shop?"

"What your tail light go out again?" She giggled.

"Well no, I was given a job from Vanessa. To watch over a kid. He looks very cold and I just wanted to make him feel secure."

"Well alright then 'boss'" she sighed walking out and going to get it.

Freddy instantly turned back to see how the kiddo was doing. His legs twitching as he continued to sleep.  Though before long, roxy came back with a bit more than initially asked for. "Here! Blanket, pillow, and officially licensed Roxy brand hoodie!" She beamed.

"Could you be a little quieter. I think.. something might be wrong with him.. he keeps whimpering." Freddy hushed before going back to the child.

The large animatronic laid the blanket over the kids body. Slipping a pillow under his head and putting his arms forward. It seemed to help. As Gregory got more comfortable pulling the blanket close.

The night seemed to blow over pretty fast then again he was only given a simple task. Gregory had slept soundly through the night. And then Vanessa returned. Her hand gently tapped against the glass door as she pushed it open. "Well.... I checked all the databases turns out he had parents... then they got in a severe crash before coming back to pick him up from the daycare.. seems he's been lurking our parking lot for 9 years or so."

"Well.. is there anyway I-we can do?"

"I mean, it would be really helpful to have a second guard on duty during the day. One that could be a whole lot less suspicious than a grown adult."

"I feel that's a fitting place."

"He could even live here.. we have an old costume staff room that we don't use. We could easily have monthly move all the furniture around. And I'm sure we could let him get some kinda bed. I mean there's food, shelter, and even a shower in that room.. and all the security a child could dream of.." Vanessa lagged on eventually leading to the child waking up.

"Mhmm... what time is it."

"It's 5:30 I end my shift soon.. though I think I'll stay around for a little overtime. I've got a super special offer for you."

"An offer?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2021 ⏰

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