CHAPTER 1:Its called tough love

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Love? Love is so overrated now a days. You want me to tell what love really is it's just a word, a word that has so much power to so many people, but not me. Maybe because no one has ever said it to me. Maybe because my mother abandoned me three years old and left my father so that she could go off and get married to the man she was cheating on him with. My mom and dad were like twenty when they had me. They were so excited until one day a modeling agent came up to my mom and wanted her to be in this photo shoot, that's when she realized that she was too young to be raising a child and her and my dad would probably never work out. Anyways this is probably the worst introduction ever so let's start again and then we can get on with my whole crazy life story that leads us to today. Hi! I'm Chanel, Chanel Luis and I am 15 years old even though my mom left my dad and I twelve years ago he just can't seem to get over it. So all he really does is go to work,come home, eat, sleep, and watch TV you can tell he really loved my mother and he still does. It probably hurts him to see her on bill boards and in commercials and not to mention the tabloids and magazines just having nothing better to do then share her life with the whole world. I know it hurts him cause it hurts me. Reading about her fabulous new house and unborn baby girl, acting like she doesn't already have a child, but I'm use to it. So during the day I'm usually at school, who am I kidding I barely go to school I most likely ditch with all of my other friends, and you know what's crazy I get straight A's it's because I have an inside man that tells me what we are learning and I teach myself. They also give me the homework assignments and tell me when the next test is. The only times I go into school is to hand in things or take a test.
Oh my gosh what time is it? JayJ and the crew are probably waiting for me down at the court.Oh I should probably warn ya! They get a little crazy, go on to the next page if you'd like but remember. I warned you.

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