Chapter 1

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I try to focus on the rhythmic sound of the rain as it falls over my car. My body begins to tremble. I'm not sure if it's from being cold or from being afraid.

My eyes have finally stopped burning. I'm pretty sure it's because my mascara ran into them from either being outside in the rain for so long or crying.

My long strawberry blonde hair is plastered to my back, sopping wet. The curls that my roommate once so delicately placed in it are now long gone.

I look down at my dress. The once royal blue dress has turned almost navy from the rain.

I'm trying not to think so much, but it seems like the more I try, the more the memories keep flooding back. Focus on the rain, I mentally remind myself.

But it's been hard to forget what happened.

I was so excited for this day. It was supposed to be my escape from reality, where I could spend a night being happy with my friends, away from all my problems. The party started out good. But it wasn't until a little later that all hell broke loose.

I should never have drunk so much. If I didn't, it would be safe to say that what happened to me tonight would never have happened. I told my boyfriend no, so many times that my voice still feels sore.

And this isn't the first time he has done this.

So I left the party. I couldn't bear to stay there after what had happened. Luckily, my dorm was just a few blocks away, so I took off my heels and started walking.

I'm not sure how long it took me to finally reach my room, but I know that I finally did make it.

All I remember is quickly grabbing a bag and filling it with whatever I could. Clothes, a toothbrush, spare cash- anything that I could think of. Between what had just happened and my abusive boyfriend, I couldn't stay there anymore.

It was dangerous to drive. I know it was. But I had to find somewhere to go.

I pulled my car over on a street that looked empty enough for me not to get noticed.

And now, I'm making a futile effort at trying to sleep, but it's impossible. I glance over at my bag in the passenger seat. I hardly think that I packed enough. I really didn't think this through. I have nowhere to go.

Some time passes before my eyes finally start to get heavy. I'm hardly aware that I'm drifting into sleep until I'm immediately shaken out of it when I hear a knock on the window. 

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