Part Eight - Wanting

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"Good. How about that game of pool, and then instead of showing you where I used to hang out, I take you back to the hotel and we can refresh on the lesson from the other night."

My crotch twitched to life and I couldn't hold back the chuckle. "Finally a type of lesson revision I'll enjoy."

Ben smiled and called the waiter over. We paid the check then walked over to the pool tables. We were halfway through a game when some guys walked over, one of them put their hands over the holes at the end of the table.

"You're that fag drummer from that band aren't you?" One of them jeered, his eyes were focused on me. He was drunk and clearly looking for a fight.

"Can you please let us finish our game?" I replied.

"Can you please leave our bar with your fag boyfriend before you spread the gay?"

I could feel the blood rising in my veins. Ben grabbed me by the hand and yanked me back but it wasn't enough to stop me from running for the drunken bigot. I grabbed him by the throat and pushed him away from the table. His drunk mates stepped back, unwilling to step in for their disgusting excuse of a friend. He fell on to the ground and looked up.

"You fight like a girl gay boy." He laughed standing up.

"You're a disgusting bigot with no sense of human decency. You're living so far in the past that I'm not sure even a thorough re-education with bring you up to date. How does a girl fight huh? You're a worthless piece of shit who knows nothing and only wants to bring someone he doesn't know down because of who he is attracted too. Seems pretty stupid if you ask me."

I heard Ben snicker behind me, his friends laughed as well, which the asshole didn't take kindly too. Before I could do anything he ran for me pushing me against the wall. He lifted his fist back and then slammed it full force into my nose. I heard a crack and blood gushed almost instantly down on to my clothes. The man's friends pulled him away from me and dragged him from the bar. A waiter brought me a cloth with ice and once the bleeding stopped Ben called a cab.

"That guy was a jerk." Ben said angrily as we got out of the cab at the hotel. "If you hadn't been sitting on the floor bleeding everywhere I'd have laid him out."

"I'm glad you didn't. He wasn't worth it. I've never let anyone get to me before, I'm not sure why it bothered me tonight."

"We all have our off days." Ben replied as we walked across the foyer. It was almost like fate that we returned at the exact same time as my sister, Isla and my band mates. Scarlett rushed across the foyer and pointed to the pieces of tissue paper poking out of my nostrils. "What the fuck happened. Did your date punch you?"

"No, my date couldn't make it. Ben and I stuck around and some drunk moron decided to call me out on my sexuality and I bit."

"What a dick. Are you okay? Have you been to the hospital?"

"It's a broken nose Scar, and Ben said it's still straight. I'll be fine."

She frowned and shook her head, she looked at Ben and clicked her tongue. "What were you doing when this went down?"

"I should have interjected I know." Ben said, I could hear the guilt in his voice and it irked me. Ben had tried to stop me from reacting, and he had hung around to make sure I was alright. The accusing tone behind Scarlett's words irked me almost as much as bens misappropriated guilt.

"Ben tried to stop me, and he helped me when blood was pissing out of my nose." I retorted with a frown. Scarlett raised her eyebrows at me and placed her hands on her hips.

"Okay, I wasn't accusing him of anything Jace. Gees."

"Whatever. I'm tired and sore. I want to go to bed and forget tonight ever happened." I replied walking away from my sister and Ben. As much as I hoped Ben would catch up with me he didn't. I walked into the elevator alone and the doors closed. I rode up to my floor, as a dull headache began to pound. The doors open and I walked out and down the corridor, I unlocked my door and walked inside.

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