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Omniscient POV

kiana sat in her bed, she had invited ahki and jade over, since she felt lonely without kordell around her.

"you okay?" jade said, seeing as kiana nodded.

"yeah I'm fine, I just feel bad, maybe I was too harsh on kordell" kiana said as she sighed, seeing as ahki was on his phone, quiet.

"ahki, you alright?" kiana asked, causing ahki to nod as he wouldn't look up from his phone.


"but I'm finna go to the bathroom real quick, finna freshen up because I been crying for the past days" kiana said as she stood up, walking to the bathroom and walking in, closing in the door behind her.

kiana washed her face, thinking of everything she heard a thud from the other side of the door, causing her to raise a eyebrow as she was confused, did somebody fall?

she finished washing her face as she opened the bathroom door, looking around to see ahki and jade gone.

"jad—" kiana was cut off as somebody covered her mouth, she tried to scream but all was heard was mumbles, she then passed out, and that was all she remembered


kiana woke up as she seen she was in a room, seeing as jade was next to her and that she was already woke.

"jade, where are we?" kiana asked.

"I really don't know, I'm as confused as you are right now"

"how the fuck did we even get here"

"all I remember is when you went to the bathroom, ahki stood up and put something over my mouth, I guess I fell and then he dragged my body out, but I did remember seeing somebody else walk in there with him" jade said, causing kiana to nod

"so that was the thud I heard in the bathroom, it all make sense now."

"yeah bu—" jade was cut off as she seen the person open the door, seeing that it was, dallas.

"hold on, I know that's ain—"

"yeah it's me." dallas said

"why you over here, and why we tied up, wait wait pause, wtf is you doing over here?" jade said, confused.

"I ain't explaining shit to y'all, ahki can do allat, all I gotta say is, since we got y'all now, that mean we can get kordell and them out the way" dallas said, causing kiana and jade to raise a eyebrow.

"but they suppose to be your homeboys, y'all been cool since grade school, wtf dallas" jade said, causing dallas to shrug.

"iongaf bout that jade, I been tired of them niggas since day one, but aye I gotta go, finna go see how kordell and them keeping up" dallas said as she walked out the room, ahki walking in after him, but he wasn't by his self, he had brung renzo in the room with him.


"long time no see ma." renzo said as he smirked, seeing as kiana face went changed in a flash

𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋 𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐒 [PART 1]Where stories live. Discover now