mommy wishes you were here
mommy wants to bring you near
mommy want to see you grow up
mommy wants to see you take a sip out of you cup
mommy want to hold you everynight
and make sure your snuggled in tight
but mommy dont want to say this
mommys body had something wrong
and couldnt hold you full term
you will always be in mommys heart
your foever mommys first little angel
mommy wishes she could of had you
but god wanted you more
at least mommy knows your happy and safe
in the most perfect place
always know mommy loves you very much
even though mommy never got the chance to see or hold you.....
R.I.P. my first angel
P.S. my first angel has a younger brother my first angel would be three this year and my youngest is turning four months i wish i could of had my first one