I was a little girl when I saw he showed up at my door. I never knew his name just knew he's the boy next door we've spent many nights together, just friend though we hung out day or night my parents weren't aware of him.
When I got older we never really talked or hung out I saw him one day I don't know what he was doing. But when he saw me too he ran up and hugged me I miss him hugging me after this I found out he was a dad. I went with him ever where he went.
Then I got married not to him but to another guy. And I had a kid. We still talked but it wasn't the same. I said hi he said hi. I stopped traveling with him. when she got about three. That's when she called him daddy. It startled me a lot. I don't know why but she missed him a lot more then she missed her dad when he went to fight in the war. I soon found out she wasn't my husband's daughter . My husband wasn't happy at all he thinking I was cheating on him but I said I never did later then he left me and my daughter. I stayed with a friend for a while till I had to go. I never saw him a lot. He gave me money and he left out of my life for now. I wish I did tell him how I felt about him but I was scared that I would die or change so I never did. But my daughter did she needed to learn how to live the life she deserves not the one where she lives in a rundown area. On her sixteenth birthday I got to see her. She was beautiful with long dark brown hair and bright blue eyes that sparkle when she smile. I can't believe I made such a beautiful being. She told me about the Times she had and the cultures she seen. She said she wanted to live with me and live a normal life for once. She missed him sometimes and some she doesnt. When she was 23 I died from a heart attack.