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Today marks your 8th week working at BigHit, currently working with TxT on their new album and the chaos that always followed them. Walking down a hallway with one of the backup dancers you had become quick friends with, you felt at home in this monumental building. You are comfortable here, everyone making you feel at home.

"Pleasssssse" Sung-ho begs again. Hands on your shoulders, shaking you gently as he walks behind you. "You have to come."

"I really don't think that's a good idea." You whine back, swinging your staff badge back and forth on your neck. "You know I don't want to meet them."

He tugs on your shoulders lightly forcing you to halt. Jumping in front of you, palms pressed together, eyes closed he starts begging.

"You promised you would come to one practice. Just this one. Please Please Please-"

Huffing in frustration, you screw up your nose. He silently waits for you to give in, as he knows you will eventually.

"Just this one." You finally give in.

"Yaaay!" He cheers, jumping to your side.

In all the comotion you don't notice the footsteps approaching you two from down a connecting hallway. Shrugging your friend off, you're about to round the corner when you hear it. Instantly freezing.

"I think it'll be safer to go over the choreo with the dancers one more time."

"I agree, the timing still seems a little off. We should take a look at the schedules."


Your friend smiles and turns to the voice that called him, turning his back to you.

"Hello, Taehyung. Jimin. Hoseok." Sung-ho greets cheerfully.

"Do you have time to come with us to discuss the schedules for practice?" Jimin asks politely.

"Of course, I was just on my way to grab a snack with -" He starts to explain, turning to where you once stood. Hand hanging in the air, he's dumbfounded.

"With-?" Hoseok questions.

"Apparently myself." He turns back to the boys. How had you disappeared so quickly and to where?

He chuckled awkwardly at the idols, cursing you for putting him in this embarrassing situation.

They mirror back his awkward laugh, excusing themselves as they continue on down the hallway.

Your friend stands there for almost two full minutes, trying to figure out what in the hell just happened. He hears a rattle coming from the small storage room near him.

The door swings open.

"You did not just-" He's wheezing, trying to catch his breath.

"Don't talk to me" You walk out of the storage room, in reality it's more of a tiny linen closet. Upon hearing the idols voices, In sheer blind panic, you threw yourself into the closet and shut the door behind you.

Walking past your still wheezing friend, you push him playfully before continuing on towards the lounge. His loud cackles bouncing around you all the way there.


You are sitting in a waiting room with TXT. You've made yourself comfortable on one of the couches facing away from the door across the large room, angled towards the wall full over mirrors for makeup and hair. Scrolling through your phone, while Kai and Taehyun talk about something animatedly behind you. You can see them every once in a while, flailing their arms, mimicking wild gestures.

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