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Omega's POV

The ship was dark, everyone was asleep besides for me... It's hard for me to sleep during storms, the thunder and lightning has always spooked me. There's a bright flash a clap of thunder instantaneously, and I let out a yelp of fear. I jump down from my room, and ran over to Hunter's bunk, and hid under his blanket. 

There's another bright flash followed by a delayed boom.

Hunter's POV

I woke up and the first thing I saw was a small-shaking-lump next to me. I sighed. "Omega, you should be asleep," I sat up and threw the blanket off of her. "It's just a little thunder and lightning, nothing to be afraid of."

"You don't understand," Omega snapped back, pulling the blanket back over her head.

I hated to see her like this, it just broke my heart. I put my hand on her shoulder, trying my best to comfort her. Once I do, she cuddles up next to me, and buries her head into my chest. "Hey, it's okay." I slowly pull down the blanket and start to stroke her hair. "Then help me understand..." I say calmly, I just wanted to help her.

Omega's POV

I look up at Hunter with tears in my eyes, and I give in. "Back at Kamino, I can remember how terrified I was during each storm. Well, every day mostly. I had no one to run to. I was alone." I wasn't able to finish explaining when a flash of lightning and thunder rudely interrupts me. Hunter looks at me with sad eyes and in a soft voice, "Kid, you have us now. Your not alone anymore, and I promise your safe with us. Its not like back on Kamino, if you ever need one of us, you can always ask for help." 

Hunter's POV

When I look back down at Omega, I saw she had fallen asleep. I pull her closer, hoping to calm her down a little because she was still shaking. I look up to see Echo smirking from his bunk. "Is she alright?" he asks. I nod "Just scared of the storms.."

"Yeah, I think everyone knows that now." Echo lays back down. Omega's whimper quickly catches my attention. I tell her, "everything's going to be alright", before I too drift off to sleep with her in my arms.

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