chapter 1 the fool

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note this is my first time doing a fic so aaexpect grammatical errors and I may use some bit of content of others fic in me cause I'm lazy if some of the content is yours I'm sorry 

Note i did not read the ln yet i only watched the anime and reads the fanfics of re zero so if some of my writing is not canon accurate i just started to read the ln and i'm forgetful sorry

also got inspired by re tortured by lemonman12

also, I found out whose story I used in the first part it's from quick shots story sorry if I did not ask you first

We start our story after the Four Camps meet in the Water Gate City of Priestella in order to share some important information from anastasia. Simultaneously, the Witch Cult attacks the city, with all its Sin Archbishops being present in the attack. The following battle in Priestella results in the death of Greed and the arrest of Wrath, with Gluttonies and Lust escaping the city.

While going back to the capital they were attacked by one of the sin archbishop of gluttony Roy Alphard targeting Julius once again to finish the job,

"Julius, WATCH OUT!!" Subaru suddenly shouted while taking the attack from Julius.

"We will get you next time knight of knights" then he disappeared in thin air. Subaru said to julius worriedly."julius are you ok.then Julius replied"sorry but who are you"

After that He was suspected to be pride because of the witch's miasma coming from subaru."You don't have the right to call Emilia's betty that, You are just a scum I suppose. Take him away from us"the great spirit of yin said with disgust about telling her thats he is her contractor.

Then Beatrice, the great spirit of yin, Guardian of the forbidden library BREAKS THE CONTRACT BETWEEN NATSUKI SUBARU AND GREAT SPIRIT OF YIN BEATRICE

Subaru then felt his heart crack.His little spirit that he thought his own little sister cut their contract their relationship their memories.

Then because of the accusation of the great spirit the knights of Lugnica that were present immediately captured Subaru but suddenly, Reinhard interrupted.

"Wait he might be saying the truth my divine protection of wind reading make sure of it he might be a victim of the witch cult too"

"You might be right, nya.” Felix replied "we will take him to the cell to make sure he's safe and fine" he continued.

"Thank you felix" Reinhard said but he felt something wrong was gonna happen but he just couldn't think about it.

Then Felix and Julius took Subaru to the dungeon cell but little did Reinhard know Felix and Julius would do the most terrible and worst mistake in their and their friends' lives to Subaru in his entire life.

They have captured and betrayed Natsuki subaru by being forgotten tortured but worst of all being abandoned and being lonely.

Now being left as a prisoner to make him talk about how to undo Gluttony’s effect on crusch. Also torturing him brutally. Telling them that they know him, That they were his friends and he was also Gluttony's victim made the "interrogations"harder for him. Pleading and convincing them is useless because they are acting desperate and not very rational,Plus Felix seem to have some liking from this like it's an addiction to vent frustration and stress.

Even now he thinks to escape so that he can finally feel the world once again but he couldn't. Because he is not just hurt physically but also mentally and emotionally broken for the countless tortures in the past year and a half.

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