Never Look Back

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Hi, thanks for reading this it is my first story on Wattpad I hope you like this first chapter because there will be more I promise you that much. My title is not the greatest so if you have any suggestions feel free to offer them (I might just dedicate it to you). Well enough from on.

"Get Out! Or I'll Kill You!" That was Millie short for Millicent. "Ok..Ok..Ok..i'll leave just give me a few minutes please Millie," and that was Simon cowed in a corner under the wrath of his own custom made baseball bat wielded expertly by his ex to be wife Millie."Fine but be snappy about it!" was Millies harsh reply, "O-o-okay i'll be out of here give me five minutes please," was the stammered reply. "Fine get going or die," Meanwhile In Simon's room while he was packing he was creating a scheme to pull Millie into the political tangles of his life.

                   T-t-t-t-t-hriiing T-t-t-t-t-hriiing T-t-t-t-t-hriiing as the phone rings and as Katelyn hurrys to pick it up the fushia nail polish she had been using to paint Roxy her preciouse feline companion's nails. As she was reaching for the phone Roxy's paw dipped completely into the fushia paint and it tipped over and spilt all over Katelyn's desiner purple carpet. "Oh damn oops.. crap oops  uhh. Hello?" she asked as she picked up the phone. "Oh hi Katey, uhh horrid day did you kow what happened?" "no but it's probably not as bad as mine," sighed Katelyn. "Ya want to bet?" Millie groaned.

                       "No, you tell first," she said with audible exaustion. "Ok, well it all started this morning when Simon came back at five o'clock in the morning in a drunk stuper as usuall but this time he was so drunk he was muttering something, and as I listened I heard something very strange and illegal. He was muttering shoot the turtle run, run, run, cops TT KK Got to go, and thats all I heard and at ten o'clock I kicked him out or hit him out with his stupid custom made baseball bat, he's packing now." "OMG I am so sorry oh, I am speechless oh my, oh," stammered Katelyn. "No, no he was a stupid jerk I never loved him we were forced to be married, my parents wanted us to be married becuase he was much richer than me."

                    She explained. "Uh I still can't belive that you got married at seventeen, but anyways I tell you my story now. Ok, it started this morning when I went to the beauty salon to get my usuall Sunday afternoon french manicure. So when I went in I asked for Kayla Sue my stylist as normal but the lady at the counter said that Kayla Sue moved home to Bejing to take care of he elderly mother and won't be back. She also gave me this snippy young girl and said that this will be my stylist named Harper. So Harper just glared my over and said ok you'll do come on in and we'll se what we can do, and she said it like I was..was....ugly," Katelyn cried as she broke down sobbing.

                   "Oh that's horrible, and your definintly not ugly your beautiful," "thank you, but on top that all of I was painting Roxys nails and then the phone ran and I was going to pick it up then Roxy stuck her paw into the paint and knocked it onto my purple custom made fuzzy carpet shipped all the way from Paris France," sobbed Katelyn.

                "Well I got a good idea! We should go to my beauty shop becuase Layla is still there and she does the best french manicures just as good as Kayla Sue, so...?" "Ok how about we meet there in half and hour?" "Sure see you there." 'Click' as the phone hung up.

            "Hey J.J. meet me at 35 Harlemton Street at midnight, then we can discuss my plan," sniggered Simon. "Yes," hissed a deep voice.

            "See isn't that better, now we should try to think about my problem because my ex- husband may be a criminal," pleaded Millie. "Yes now we need a plan, um like we need evidance to prove he really is really a criminal and not some random drunk." "Yes I will track him for as long as possible and try to get the most informationas possible from the imudent ass hole." "Ok sure," was the reply.

              Dong!  Dong!  Dong!  Dong!  Dong!  Dong!  Dong!  Dong!  Dong!  Dong!  Dong!  Dong! went the large brass bell that hung from St. Mathews church on 35 Harlemton Street, as two figures slipped into the alley just as a police crusier whizzed past. "So we will go over the plan one more time J.J. first you are either to bribe her parents with money, or woo her into marrige then you must be home every night at seven o'clock sharp to possibly plan some events to do with her in the evening. Then sometime after you will put the egg in her purse then get the police and search her for the egg. Got that?" "Yup got it when do I start?" "tommorow if possible." "Sure tommrow will be fine," he sniggered as the two figures parted.

             "Millie your getting married in four days and thats that." Click the phone hung up "oh my stupid parents all they care about is money, they don't care about whats good for me! Did your parents ever do this to you Artemis?" she fumed to her three year old rescued corn snake which she named Artemis after the greek godess of the hunt, forest, hills, and the moon. 'ssss sssssss ssss' hissed Artemis in reply. 

             "Hey Katie-lynny can you be my bridsmaid again please my parents say I have o get married to another rich brat apparently he has promised to give eight hundred thousand dollars after we get married," moaned Millie. "Well Millster yes I will be a bridesmaid but I have a plan to not get you married." "Ok what is it?" asked Katelyn eagerly. They discussed as another person listened.

                Da dum da da dum da da da the sound of the traditional wedding march was ringing through the empty streets raching only a scavenging ally cat. "Dearly Beloved we are gathered here," the priest started then was rudely interupted by Katelyn "may we get on to the end please." "Certinly, ahem, do you Jackson take this man," as he attemted to continue his trditional speech "just get  to the man and wife, man and wife!" snapped Katelyn

           "Man and wife," said the priest as Katelyn and Millie rushed out tearing the ravashingly beautiful wedding gown. "Ha ha we tricked them," sang Katelyn joyfully "we did?," was the breathless question. "Yes because you did not say I do so your not married!" exclaimed Katelyn as they halted the first taxi they saw.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2013 ⏰

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