The two

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I told you I loved you and at first you didn't believe it was true. Maybe it's a sign we should just be the two. The two who thought they had a chance. A chance at love and happiness. The two who knew it would be hard, but thought they could make it because of their love for each other. Only hoping it was strong enough to last.

You see their love story want considered normal. There was no prince and princess, no boy and girl. That's why it was so bad on them. They were both girls. A girl who fell in love with a girl. One family and all their friends were fine with them, happy even. But of course there was one family there to ruin them and make them the two hopeless girls in love.

The two where different in another way. Both girls had a dirty secret. They both hurt themselves because of others. They both cut to take the pain away, but one is strong and one is weak. One has stopped and the other has not. One of the two is a Christian, she was the worst one of the two. Her family was also the ones against them.

One of the two would come home everyday to being called a disappointment, a disgrace, and an embarrassment. She would set in her room and cry because of who she loved. She would take her blade to her wrist. She would cut and cut and cut again hoping that she'd finally hit the vain. She didn't want to hurt her love, but she couldn't take the pain of the world. It was to much for her.

The other one of the two cry's herself to sleep every night wishing she could hold her live in her arms and let her know it's ok. To show her that their live is worth fighting for. That what they have is worth fighting for. To let her k ow that the world is full of nothing but lies and that she shouldn't listen to them.

They were the two fighting for all the had, hopping to make it through. Hiding there love so the don't get caught. They don't want to hide, but they can't handle the pain. They hold each other close when they're alone but don't even touch when people are around even though they want nothing more than to let the other know they're here, that they love the other. They can't and that hurts just as bad as not being with the other.

They know that they would be better off as the two friends who love the other but do nothing about it. The two who once looked at each other like no one else existed. The two girls who would always love each other as more than best friends, but took a step back and set the other free of pain, of hiding love. The two who would always remember the time when they were the two. Before the battle got to hard to fight.

They both know that they should call it off. Be just friends, they don't want to honestly they can't. Neither one can push themselves to do it. It would kill them both. They couldn't do that to each other. They are each other's light in this dark world. The two couldn't take their loves light away and don't want to lose theirs.

The two girls decided that they'd hide. They've made it almost four months. 4 months of being the two with out a chance. The two who probably won't last. The two who hide their love, which only makes them stronger. Don't let them fool you though. Their the two making a away. The two loving each other with all they have. In ways you wouldn't notice. To look and talk to/about each other with so much love.

The fighting for a chance, fighting to last. And more importantly the two fighting for a chance to prove the world wrong and show their love.

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