Introduction Pt.2

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This will be the last section of Lilliana's series.

I hope that you enjoyed the first section, and that I can finish it off with the same strength that I started it. Please stick with it, there may be filler chapters and I apologize in advance for any "less interesting" parts.

Anyways, enjoy!


[Sequel to Lilliana: The Oldest Maximoff]
"Nu pot să-i spun, Little Dragă." I state clearly.
(Translation: I can't tell him, Little dear.)
"De ce nu? Merită să știe." He declares confidently.
(Translation: Why not? He deserves to know.)
"Pentru că nu mai suntem împreună! Lucrurile se prăbușeau și am întrerupt-o!" I shout beginning to be extremely irritated.
(Translation: Because we aren't together anymore! Things were falling apart and we broke it off!)
"Nu, ai întrerupt-o. Dar, încă îl iubești și el încă te iubește!"
(Translation: No, you broke it off. But, you still love him and he still loves you!)
"Nu pot, Pietro. Îți spun, nu pot." my voice breaks slightly.
(Translation: I can't, Pietro. I'm telling you, I can't!)
He's right. I do love him, but neither of us need anything else on our plates. Half of the population is gone! My best friends are gone! My little sister is gone!
"You can't what?" Bucky asks from the doorway.
"She ca-"
"-Nothing, Buck."
"Uh, okay. C-can I speak with you?"
"Not now," I reply, "later."

*Not-so-Mild Language*

Lilliana: The Oldest Maximoff [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now