the babysitting list

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THE BABYSITTING LIST.(in progress please fan it, its going to hopefully be a good :)  

Just a two years ago I was trying to be a babysitter I never knew that two years later I would be looking for one. My heart racing the time seems far away for this baby to come but I hope and think time will go fast .Where its father? Oh I have no clue he doesn’t know bout “it” yet. I’m afraid to though what if he doesn’t care or want a kid . What if he doesn’t want to be a part of its life I don’t even know what it is yet so I call it IT ....... .Will I ever be over him  will I ever stop feeling this way . I feel like I’m in the path of a tornado storming though everything in its way .  Debris is flying around me. But I’m not that’s just the way that I feel he wont text me or listen to me what did I do?

so i decided to tell the father his face turn pale then a slight smile appeared on his face "i'm sorry to say this to you like this Drew ,i'll go now sorry to bother" "wait"and before i turned around and opened my eyes he kissed my lips tingled at the feel of his lips against mine "um" i said confused "sorry but i can't let you go " he mumbled in my ear " excuse me" i aggrivated "i can't let you leave " he whispered in my ear again "why is that exactly " i whispered seductivly "because we had sex it's my kid and i wanna be the father and i........i love you "my eyes widened but then i remembered he had left me"we had sex and you left me me" "i was confused" "confuuuseed" i yelled pushing him away. "are you kidding me" he pulled me in for another passionate kiss "i fell to my knees "why would you do that to me ?" i studdered ....... lets go to the beggining of how we meet.

*eight months earlier*

i slammed my locker door  and turned to walk the other way with books held close to my chest *swoosh* "ouch watch it " i yelled as i fell to the floor on my back "oh  im so sorry" he kneeled down to help me up " are you alright "he said worriedly "im fine" i roared "i didnt see you there" he pleaded as he help me up  i kneltdown to pick up my books and he kneeled down to help. I looked him in the eyes and my heart melted "hey how about i make this little mishap up to you " she grinned  "okay" i blushed "i will call you he said give me your number"  i grabbed a piece of paper that had been scattered about around the hall and wrote down my number and handed it to him "see you around "he smiled  "see you " i smiled. it was two months ago

*Later that night*

 i was sitting on my bed with my back against the wall thinking about his eyes ... wait i didnt even know his name! *Ring ring!!  my fingers fumbled to grabb a hold of my cell phone that was on the night stand next to me   "um hello ,hello" "hey it's Drew,Drew Williams ...pause.....the one who ughum  the one who knocked you  down " finally i knew his name!!  "oh hey its me Chloe washington the one you knock down" i replied tauntingly. "so how would you like me to repay you??"he  asked  "how would you like to repay me ?" i questioned "how about  i take you out  to dinner  , tonight make  lets it formal " he replied  "sound wonderful what time will you come get me ?" i  asked " how about 8:30"  he said  so i gave him my address "well see you then " i smiled "okay bye "he said "bye"  

    Wow really he's the hottest guy in schoolwell thats what i think and he wants to go on a date with me !?oh yeah but to make up from slamming into  me today in the hall so what if it isnt  a date . wait am i crazy he asked me to go on a date .so  it must be right?  so i ran an took a quick shower did my hair in a bun with on curl lingering to the side . with a white and  pink dress (look at picture to see dress and hair :) ----->)  put on some perfume and make up and silver high heels and grabbed a  sliver purse since my mother was on a business trip for a month and left yesterday i figured getting out of the house for a while would be fun .Before i knew it the door bell rang *ding dong* i  preceded to the front door and opened  it both our eyes widened "wow you look beautiful" he gulped. i grinned "you look really "i said he laughed  wow did i really just say hot... wow im an idiot ."shall we go "he said trying to be formal  "we shall"i responded in a formal manner also. he gladdly reached for the door and opened it for me  and closed it when he new i has seated . when he got in the car and closed the door  i said "you didnt have to open the door for me ,you know ." "i wanted  to he grinning at me   "wow  you really look sexy" he said grabbing my hand formaly to help me out of the car. "thanks you  dont look bad yourself" i teased he put his hand down on my lower back as we walked in to the resturant .wow did i feel unclassy the  resturant was beautiful it look like a reception room .Everyone was so dressed up.  we had an amazing meal. They had delicious food ....and it was an absolutly romantic evening. After dinner i popped in a minty piece of gum i saw him do it to.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2011 ⏰

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