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Savvys POV (the siren that saved you)
I was just swimming around in my lake minding my own bees wax when I heard rustling in the bushes. I watched from my rock that I was siting on. A woman came walking out. She had a baby in her arms. She walked up and saw me. She sat the baby down and left with out a word. I sighed and swam up to the baby. The baby had (e/c) eye which sparkled in the sun light. She giggled and put her hands up telling me to pick her up. I picked her up and cradled her in my arms. Who would just abandon their kid like that. I decided to keep her and named her (y/n). She laughed and giggled as I hummed a song. I was over 100 years old so I was still young and didn't know how to take care of baby's but I gave it a shot. I taught her how to swim and sing. When she was 5 a young boy came up to my lake. He looked scared and started crying. I swam up to him and hugged him. He returned the hug. I looked down at the dark brown haired boy. "Hey it's ok are you hungry?" I asked. He nodded and sniffed. (Y/n) was hiding behind a rock and didn't come out till I said that it was ok. She and the boy got along very well. I asked him for his name and he said it was Scott. I decided to keep him. About five years later Scott and (y/n) where best friends. They would go in the woods and hunt for food. Scott taught her how to use a cross bow and even how to make a arrow out of a stick and feathers. They knew that they weren't siblings and they knew that I wasn't there mom. another five years past and Scott had to leave because while he was in the woods a man asked of Scott would like to work at a castle town near the woods. Scott was 15 now so he said yes. the day he told us that he was leaving and not coming back was the worst day for (y/n). She never stopped crying and hugging him. He said goodbye and left never to be seen again. A couple more years past and (y/n) was old enough to leave the lake. She kissed me and hugged me good bye before she went into the woods. I smiled at the fact that I took care of them and now they are both 20 and leaving on there own.

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