Chapter 34: Let Me Go

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When Tejus unlocks the chains, I finally feel like maybe this is real. Then he lifts me into his arms and it's hard not to cry. I already feel better as he pushes some energy into me. That or I'm taking it and he doesn't realise, but I'm sure he doesn't mind. He has plenty. He starts walking and I tighten my arms around him and nuzzle Into his neck. Fuck he smells so good. I just want to curl up with him and not move. I really am getting out of here. 

Then I feel something come over me and not by choice, I start kissing his neck. I try to pull back but nothing is happening. Then I hear Decan in my head.

"Open your hand and take it" My hand automatically opens and I feel something there and grip it. It feels like the hilt of a knife or dagger. What the hell!? What has he done?

"Now kill him. Stab him. And enjoy it!" Decan commands. My hand pulls back and then plunges into Tejus's ribs. He looks down at my hand and then at my face, which smirks. 

"Princess… wh-what did… you do?" He asks as he struggles to pull air into his lungs. I didn't do anything! I stand and move away from him, using magic to knock him from the steps to the floor. Stupid fucking body. Stop! 

No. This can't be happening! I'm dreaming. No, I'm having a nightmare. How can it be that one second I'm being carried up the steps and the next I'm being told to kill one of the men I love. I want to scream and cry but my body and face are doing the opposite. I said I'd die before I let him use me. I need to break his hold over me.

"She did as she was commanded. And I commanded her to kill you… Tejus, I really did underestimate you. But you're too late, Amylia is pregnant, Kylie is under my spell and will do anything I command of her,'' Decan says gleefully, answering an unasked question. And I stand at Tejus's feet, smirking down at him. 

"Wha'... ho-how!?" He chokes out. I push and scream, trying to get free. 

"Ah, yes. Special blend I created, that poisons the blood, stops wounds from healing… you get the picture. Let me show you another" He walks up behind and pulls me Into his chest. He waves his hand over me and I'm no longer covered in blood and dirt, but everything else is untouched. He moves my head slightly and starts kissing my neck, moving his hand down and cupping my bare mound. Tejus growls at him. I want to smash Decans face in, gouge his eyeballs out with a spoon and shove his dick down his throat! But I just stood there and let him do it. Not me. This body.

"Ky-Kylie,'' Tejus whisper-growled. But Decan moves his mouth to my ear and whispers loudly.

"Fuck me" No. Never. I fucking won't! I manage to fight it for all of four seconds, before my body turns and I pull his bottoms down. My hand reaches out and  starts stroking him. I know they will all feel betrayal right now and it kills me. My leg lifts up over his hip, my hand lines him up and I'm about to sink down. I feel a tear drip down my cheek and before I touch him, Decan commands.

"Stop!" Thank fuck! I still have time to figure this shit out. He pushes my hips back and just cups me again. 

"When I fuck you. Which I will and soon. It will be for mating and impregnating purposes only. I have no other need or Interest in you, than to use you for power. But he will be dead soon and I wanted that image in his head to be the last. I knew he would leave. I made sure to switch the blocks off before I came down so he could" He slams his lips to mine and my body doesn't fight it. I need to get out to Tejus and fix him somehow. Before it's too late. 

"Now that should be ample time to be considered a fuck. Let's go. You now have your mates to kill" He walks up the steps and I follow. I forgot he doesn't know Tejus is my mate too. My heart is really starting to hurt, as I feel the life draining from Tejus. I can even feel the others now, meaning they must be close. 

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