Date Maybe?

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    Alex finally decided to take a break from her work and take a vacation. She enjoys spending her time at parties with her friends and getting drunk. Alex was at home sitting on the couch, the first thing she did was call up Bradley to see if she wanted to hang out. The thing Bradley doesn't know is that Alex has a huge crush on her, and really can't control her emotions when she's drunk. She decides to call Bradley to see if she can hangout. Alex: "Hey Brad, I was wondering if your are free this afternoon?" Bradley: "uh yeah, yeah i'm free." Alex: " Perfect, wanna meet at that one fish club restaurant?" Bradley: "sure I don't see why not." Alex: "does seven sound good?" Bradley: "sounds good to me." Alex: "alright bye, see you tonight." Bradley: "bye." Alex spent all her time trying to look perfect because she was planning on finally telling Bradley how she feels. Alex just couldn't contain her feelings she had to tell her or else she wouldn't feel herself around Alex. She put on a black dress that was complemented with gold jewelry, and black heels. Alex grabbed her purse got in the car and drove to the restaurant they were meeting at. Alex parked the car and tried looking for Bradley, she went to the reception to see if she had already gotten a seat. apparently Bradley always had to be one step ahead and found a seat before they could meet up. Alex sat down in front of Bradley "you're earlier than expected." "well you know me, being early is better than being late." After they both ate and had some drinks, Alex decided that it was time to tell Bradley the truth about how she really feels. "Brad, there is something that I really have to tell you." "what is it?" "but promise you won't judge me." "of course you know I would never do that to you." Alex's heart was beating fast her breathing was short and she was in a cold sweat. "Bradley, ever since I met you I knew you were a bit of a bitch, but I kinda of liked that side of you. and I enjoy having you as my best friend, you are one of the most special people to me. but there is something I need to tell you-" Just before Alex finished her sentence the waiter came and asked them "are you ready to see your check ma'am?" "oh, no we are waiting on desert sir." "I'm sorry to bother you then, enjoy the rest of your night ladies." " you were saying?" Bradley said condescendingly. Alex laughed nervously, "o-oh yeah...about that, why don't we have a drink first?" "Alex. you know I hate it when you stall conversations." "well there is no need to rush, so let's just enjoy ourselves." Alex poured Bradley another drink then poured herself one. after several minutes of drinking and having conversation...they both got drunk "Alex, so umm, what were you going to tell me?" Alex could barely speak because she was laughing and not making any sense at all. "Well Bradley, you REALLY wanna know? because you know what I don't care, I don't care what you think after I tell you this." "ummm okay? what's the cold tone for?" "Shut up for a second brad, i'm gonna say it okay, I'M GONNA FINALLY TELL YOU HOW I REALLY FEEL."

to be continued...

*P. S  I know this part was a little boring, but trust me the second part after this one is much more emotional and I guess "action" packed. hope you enjoy the starter for 20 more parts 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2022 ⏰

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