Chapter 1

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Hello welcome to the Start of my book continue reading with caution and I hope you enjoy

Y/n= your name
P/n= principal name
M/n= mother name
F/n= friend name
" " = what is being said
' ' = what is being thought

P/n P.O.V
I sighed as I sat down at my desk 'ugh it's only morning and I already have three suspensions to do' I rub my temples "what a morning" I open my laptop and log onto the system 'I know what could make me feel better' I look up y/n on the school system and view his student picture 'aha~ my lovely y/n he is so perfect. Yet he continues defying the school rules. The teachers are starting to notice that I'm letting him off the hook. If he screws up one more time I might have to do something I don't want to do'

Y/n P.O.V
As I sit down on the bench I see my friend walking towards me "Hey y/n man guess what" I turn my head "what did you do now" I watch as he laughs "I threw pudding on the science teacher and now I'm suspended for like 3 weeks" I smirk 'oho taking credit for something I did now are we' "gezz man why did you do that" I look over to see the principal walking towards us "excuse me
f/n you need to come to my office now" I watch f/n Start walking away "ok OLD man I'll go but you better hurry up and get there before I do I don't like waiting" I watch as my friend run away towards the office and I laugh "what's so funny y/n" I look up to see the principal is standing over me "umm personal space please" I stand up but trip on my shoelaces "uag!" I close my eyes expecting to fall onto the floor but I realised someone caught me "you ok are you hurt anywhere" I open my eyes to see p/n has caught me and has his hands around my waist "get your hands off me I'm fine I just have loose shoelaces" I push him off me the sit back down and try to fix my laces 'ugh that was so close he almost saw me blushing' I fumble with my laces but snap my head towards p/n as he Neal's down In front of me "here let me" I watch as he fixes my shoelaces and I blush a little 'I have always found him attractive but what would my friends think if they knew I liked a guy that's twice my Age' p/n's voice snapped me out of my thoughts "hey y/n are you ok your staring at me" I blush a little more "u-uhh yeah I'm ok" I hear the bell for class go off "uh would you look at that I have to go to home room now bye" I get up and leave as quickly as I could 'oh god why am I like this'

Time Skip
P/n P.O.V
"Ok sorry my son has been such an inconvenience I'll be making sure he gets plenty of work to do while he is at home" I watch f/n and his mother leave my office 'hmmf I hope he gets punished because of what he has done the science teacher has quit and I have to take over the first period science class now. hmm isn't that the class y/n is in' I quickly search up y/n's timetable and see that I'm teaching his class now 'oh my I get to see him twice in one morning this must be a dream' I hear the bell go off indicating that period one has started so I pack up my laptop and papers for the class 'time so see my y/n' I start walking to the science block and when I get there I see the students spread out and talking "ok that's enough chitchat line up" I watch all the students rush to line up "alright as many of you know your teacher has quit so I will be taking over now" I make eye contact with y/n and I see him frown 'ehehehh don't act so surprised I saw the security footage you throwing the pie f/n only took the credit so he could look cool' I smile "alright class go inside and take your seats" I unlock the door and let everyone in but stop y/n "I need to talk to you after class is that is ok" I watch him roll his eyes "what ever" I smile and let his pass then walk In front of the class and sit down at the teacher's desk "ok class so I have been informed about the work you are currently working on so please turn to page 394 of your text books" I watch as all the kids open their books and frown 'nothing like misery first thing in the morning to Darken my students day' I smile as I watch
y/n open his text-book and grab his note-book out of his bag 'even in agony he is stunningly beautiful' I let my eyes trail down from his eyes to his lips as I lick my lips I think about kissing him 'I bet his lips are soft' I blush at the thought of making out with him "u-uh anyways class I will be here so if you have any questions don't be afraid to put your hand up" I take out my things and open up my laptop but I look up as I hear the sound of a phone ringing "who's phone is ringing. Ah! Y/n no phones in class our school has a no phone policy" I hear him grumble 'cute reactions' I go back to working on my laptop 'hmmm I f/n has been suspended so has that Young girl. Then next suspension is. Another one of y/n's friends' I start to fill out the document for the suspension and I look at the reason for it 'huh taking inappropriate photos of a fellow students.hmmm panty shots pathetic' I look up and see y/n on his phone and just as I'm about to tell him off his phone rings "y/n bring your phone up here right now" I watch as y/n walks up slowly and puts his phone on my desk "you may get it back at the end of the day" I watch y/n's eyes widen "THE END OF THE DAY" I frown "yes and don't yell in my ear now go sit back down" I watch as y/n shuts his mouth and walks away to his desk 'so obedient like a little puppy'

Time skip
Y/n P.O.V
I hear as the bell goes indicating its lunch time 'I hate double periods but at least It's lunch now' I pack up all of my things 'hmf every one has already left. Eger huh' as I'm about to leave I feel a hand on my waist "where do you think Your going" I hear p/n's voice and I turn around to see him looking down at me "what did I say about PERSONAL SPACE!" I push him back 'I think I just fucked up' "y/n it's disrespectful to harm a teacher any other teacher would give you detention 'huh what does he mean any other' "yeah sorry but what did you mean an other" I watch him shift his stance and clear his throat "I mean any other teacher would go easy on you but I won't I'm giving you in school detention Start tomorrow also I expect to see you in my office after school where we can chat more" I glare at his then storm off 'who doe's he think he is punishing me because he was to close for my comfort gezz what a push over' I reach for my pocket and realised that my phone is not in there 'dang it the principal has it FUCK I'll have to get it back this afternoon this is going to be a long shity day'

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