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Chloe's POV

Hmmm, a baby girl aye? Sounds okay, a little girl running around everywhere. I'm actually 7 months pregnant, but I've been wearing a belly wrap so it didn't show. I guess I can go baby shopping no, I wonder if I'll be able yo take the automobile bins, or if I'll take the van.

The van is a huge bin that we use as a van. At the moment I'm at home, so I'll send out a message to Kate and Mia.

"Blake!" I screamed

Blake, my messenger dwarf, came running around the corner. I gave him the message and he trotted away, I laughed. What a focking mint.

After ten minutes, I meet Kate and Mia at the shops. I decided not to wear my wrap today, so I looked like a fucking whale.

"Wow Chloe!" Kate smiled "and you called me fat!"

"My dad said your a focking wanker!" I yelled, pissed off.

"STFU gdiah!" Kate yelled back

"Your a bitch!" I moaned, I jumped back into my bin and headed off.

I looked in the shops and pulled out a baby bra, undies, a top that says "my dad's a focking cunt!" And a sun flower dress.

As I am going to the register Mia and Kate turn up, they smile and we start talking.

"Wow, your really pregnant!" The person smiles

"Thank you!" I smiled, glowing

"No, not you, her!" She smiles, pointing at Kate

"Your fucking kidding me!" Kate screamed "you whore"

She ran off

"It's okay!" I smiled

"No, it's her hormones!" She smiles at me

The adventures of the mystery bins girls:BOOK 1Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu