A 'perfect' night

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I checked the time, oh crap it's 9.34pm. How did the time go by so quickly! I better let Soh know that we got to leave soon."Sohan it's almost 10pm my dad's on his way to pick me up", I rush to get out of the ice rink and out of my heavy ice skates. "Farah let me help you with those ice skates, I will return them while you get your shoes back on" Sohan said kindly. I'm so glad I put these boots on tonight, after those ice skates I could use some flat and comfort shoes which compliments my skinny jeans and black jacket so well. Sohan is so cute, I love his teeth and eyes! Straight teeth and Asian looking eyes has always been on top of my 'list', but Sohan's deep dimples are my favourite. They're super cute! The way I'm feeling right now is just happy, I like this guy but at the same time I have no expectations. I just really enjoy his company and spending time with him. I can be myself and at the same time I can enjoy his friendship. I was really taking a chance tonight meeting up with him and last minute too. Wow did I have to think up an excuse, asking my dad to drop me at the ice rink to meet up with Yena and some friends. My dad and my brothers know Yena well and has always been comfortable when I go out and spend time with my best friend. They trust me and well I've never given them a reason not to. I just hope I don't get caught this time, if dad asks where's Yena I got to think up an excuse quickly. "Farah are we ready to go?" Said Sohan taking my hand gently. Soh always has this smile that's so capturing it tends to keep me smiling too something I don't do that often.

Ah the weather tonight is so perfect, clear sky and still trees just a hint of crisp in the air, so refreshing. "Sohan let's make a wish in this fountain I've got 2 coins but let's not tell each other what the wish is, unless it comes true someday". For some reason, an immediate thought came to me and my wish was to one day marry Sohan. This was so strange to me because I never thought of being married before and why to Sohan it's not like he was my boyfriend, it's not like I ever had a boyfriend before. Where was this coming from? "I know exactly what I'm going to wish for" smiled Sohan. This snapped me out of my thoughts, and a huge smile just came plastered on my face. Soh throws his coin in the fountain and grabs my hand gently as we go and take walk to the parking bays. His warm hands fit mine so comfortably. Why am I feeling so nervous all of a sudden yet so excited at the same time. I feel him pull me towards him slowly as we stop at the end of the pathway, he's hands holding mine as he leans in slowly towards my face. Wow my heart is beating really fast, my cheeks begin to feel flustered, is he going to kiss me? I feel he's warm soft lips touch mine, as he moves his hands onto my back gently and brings me closer to him. So many feelings running through me and the one that meant the most to me at that moment was feeling safe. Surprised by this, I move my hands up to his neck softly and we kiss more intimately for a moment, realising we both in public and we stop. Damn do I like the way he kisses, the way he tastes and feels. Could I really be falling for Sohan? I see him begin to look really anxious and he takes a few steps back. "Farah there's something I need to tell you" Sohan says anxiously. Cut out from my thoughts by this, I gave him a moment to say what's on his mind. "I really like you but I feel that I need to be honest with you, I never felt this way about someone before and I feel that I'm beginning to like you alot..". He puts his hands in his pockets and I'm a taken by what he says next. "I've been seeing this other girl Jane, I'm so confused and I don't know what to do, I really like you too Far". I had to take a minute to let that sink in. What just happened?? Why did I make a wish like that knowing that Soh isn't even my boyfriend and now he says he's seeing someone else as well. I've always been one about being fair, and the next words just came out of my mouth. "It's okay Sohan, I will step aside Jane was with you first. I didn't know you were seeing someone, I... I'm... It's ok, don't feel bad I'm sorry for coming in the way". My phone buzzes in my pocket, I check and its my dad calling to say he's waiting for me at the parking bay. Such perfect timing dad. I'm overwhelmed. I've got to say goodbye to Sohan. Next thing I knew I'm hugging him deeply and I give him a kiss on his cheek and I tell him "It's okay Sohan, I enjoyed tonight, I enjoyed being with you, see you Sohan.." I left feeling indescribable, I had no words to say what I was feeling all I knew that tonight was so amazing and felt so perfect, being with Sohan felt so perfect but Its ok, I will be okay. Snapping me out of my thoughts, my phone continuously buzzes and ofcourse it's Yena wanting to know how my night went.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2022 ⏰

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