This is the story of Maleficent aka Bonnie, who is a spellcasting witch. She is from an abusive past and is settling into Strangerville but she has a secret. What will happen to Bonnie, will she get caught?
**Credit to Alex for helping with charact...
Bonnie is home breeding frogs and collecting miscellaneous items around town to make some money. She then goes to bed for a little bit until Thursday morning at 9 am she helps gather herbs for the Coven Leader and her co-workers after she gets off at 5:30 pm she puts $1,000 into her piggy bank. She uses the bathroom, grabs a quick bite, and then she gets a phone call.... guess who.. yup Rainn. She wants to duel, so Bonnie accepts. She goes to the dueling ground in which she prepares for battle, and she loses.
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This battle and her mingling with Magic Realm locals last until 6 am on Friday. Bonnie takes a vacation day that her boss granted. It is now 7:49 am on Friday and Bonnie heads to The Narwhal Arms Club in Windenburg.
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During this time, she eats, hangs, and drinks with the locals.
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Until this group of people come in, she was met with hugs from them. They are a friendly group of people, so laughter and smile all day. They introduced them as
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