Sparkling Blue Eyes

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Those blue eyes. The same beautiful blue eyes that both blessed and cursed her dreams every night. Those eyes that once belonged to the handsome hero of a Sargent, now stolen, and used as hydra's greatest weapon.

The first glance she had of those georgious eyes was over 70 years ago, a victim of hydra herself taken as just a young child being forced to watch her whole family perish right in front of her eyes before being ripped away from the only home she's ever known into an old dingy wearhouse, along with a bunch of other unfortunate girls forced to endure being treated worse than labrats as sick minded scientists tortured, poked and prauded them with anything they could inject them with, just to see how long it would take before they became immune or, more commonly, how long it would take to kill them. Until the amount of kids left dwindle until it was just one. The only girl stubborn enough to keep endure hydra's torture was her, Maebel Aberra. It wasn't until she was grown and the war had started that those blue eyes would save her from that hell that she had grown in. His eyes wide with horror as he realized just how sick and twisted the world could be as he looked upon the woman that couldn't be more than a couple years younger than him, straped to a metal table with needle marks and scars all over her. Little did she know that in time those eyes would be where she'd learn to heal, to trust again, find peace, even love. However, before she ever got the chance to tell him that she lost him. In the blink of an eye so close to the end of the war, so tantalizingly close to finally having all of it be over to being able to start a new, normal life, with the only thing she ever wanted, him, he was ripped away from her lost to the mountains under a snowy train track.

Until a little over a month ago, when Steve had asked for her help after finding out hydra had infiltrated S.H.I.E.L.D that she saw those eyes again but not the vibrant bright blue ones filled with life and warmth like the eyes she remembers in her dreams everynight. No. These were cold, dull, lifeless silver eyes that would haunt her dreams for the rest of her days. It's a miracle that she didn't drop to her knees in horror as the reality of the situation hit. The man she loved that she thought she had lost forever was not only alive but has been forced to endure all the agony and torture that hydra provided for the past seventy years. Mae knew how awful hydra could be having spent the majority of her life there and then having to relive it almost every time she closed her eyes after, she knew the pain of it all to well and she prayed, begged, that none of the new people she now considered faimly would ever have to find out like she did, especially not him, please not him, but still there he was hair flowing down to his shoulders dressed in all black and his left arm now silver, branded with a red star, hydra's clear attempt at marking their property similar to how achild would write their name on their lunch box so the teacher would be able to recognizewho it belongs to. The sight of it sickens her stomach. The only thing keeping her grounded after the haunting discovery was her determination to get him back. Which brings us to now after many sleepless nights the only things keeping her upright being sheer will and alot more pots of coffee than she'd like to admit. But it payed off in the end because now after hours of scouring all the footage she could find. There they are those beautiful sparkling blue eyes looking up at the servalence camera at a coffee house in Bucharest.

Bucky was there for her when she needed him most. He was her life preserver that helped her float while she learned to swim on her own. And now, it's Mae's turn to be there for him. And that's exactly what she intends to do.

A/N thank you for reading! Im sorry if this is awful I'm extremely new to writing I'm probably going to draw a cover for this soon but until then enjoy Seabasses beautiful face.

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