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Third person P.O.V.

The three teens laughed as they shoved their blonde classmate into the lockers. They laughed as they walked away, while the young girl just sank to the floor, pulling her knees up to her chest, fully aware of the blood coming down her forehead. He saw her. He saw them do this to her. His heart went out to the girl. As if on instinct he walked over.

''Amy?'' he asked hesitantly.

''Y-you know my name?'' the girl, Amy, asked trying to drown a sob.

''Of course I do. We went to school together since kindergarten. Are you alright?'' the boy asked. ''Do you want to go to the school nurse?''

A light blush creeped to her cheeks. ''Do you mind, Ty? Would you want to be seen with a girl like me?'' Amy asked, unsure of what to make of the situation unfolding itself.

''What do you mean by a girl like you? You're amazing, and beautiful,'' he said it without even thinking about it. Both of their cheeks turned bright red. He reached for her hand and sparks flew, he didn't let go though, he carefully pulled her up, and then he wraped an arm around her shoulder to give give her support. He walked her over to the nurses office and knocked on the door. By this point, majority of Amy's weight is supported by his body.

The door opened and Nurse Nancy let a gasp escape her lips.

''What happened to her, Ty?'' Nancy, she likes it when the students refer to her by her first name, asked as she opened the door wider to let them in.
''Some kids shoved Amy into the lockers, and her forehead is bleeding,'' Ty said, leading Amy into the room and getting her to sit down. Nancy geot some disinfectant and began to work on Amy's forehead, making sure that's it's nothing too serious.

''Why would they do that?'' Nancy said, mostly to herself. ''This might sting a little,'' she said to Amy as she put the disinfectant wipe on the cut on her forehead. Amy winced when the material of the wipe touched the cut, and unconsciously gripped Ty's hand. As soon as the wipe left her forehead Amy relaxed. ''I'm going to write the two of you a pass, give it to the secretery, and Ty take her home, okay?'' Nancy said as she took a piece of paper and a pen out of a drawer in her desk.

''Okay,'' Amy and Ty said in unison. Nancy handed the pass to Ty and smiled at him and Amy. Ty helped Amy up and lead her out of Nancy's office. They walked down the hall to the secretary's office and Ty handed in the pass. Sarah, the school secretary, took the pass from him and read it, then noded in conformation, signaling that they can leave.

Ty lead Amy over to his truck and opened the door for her, waiting until she's sitting before closing it. He walked over to the drivers side of the truck and climbed in. He didin't start the truck though, instead he looked at Amy with a worried look in his eye.

''I hate to be asking you this, but, are they bullying you?'' Ty asked. Amy's silence being enough answer for him, he slid down the seat and wraped his arms around her. Soon enough, Amy's sobs were the only sound filling the truck. Ty rubbed her back supportively while he rocked her. ''Do you want to go home?'' he asked after a while. Amy nodded in reply.

''Take the next turn-off on the right,'' Amy said, her voice still shaking from crying.

As Ty pulled the truck to a stop in front of the rustic ranch house, Jack Bartlett, Amy's grandfather, walked out of the barn. When he noticeed the truck in his drive, his walk turned into a jog .When he finally reached the navy 1958 GMC pickup and seaw Amy sobbing into a boy's chest, there is only one thing going through his mind. What in the world is going on?He thought. Jack rapped on the window gently and the boy looked up. Ty carefully opened the truck door.

''What's going on, young man?'' Jack asked before Ty can say anything.

''There was a bit of an incident at school. Ty Borden,'' Ty said, extending his arm out.

''Jack Bartlett, Amy's Grandfather. Why don't you come inside,'' Jack said, shaking Ty's hand firmly. Ty climbed out of the truck and Amy followed. As soon as her feet touched the ground, Amy clung onto Ty as if her life depended on it. They slowly followed Jack into the house, once inside they took off their shoes and walked into the living room and sat on the coach, while Jack sat on his chair by the fireplace.

''So, what exactly happened?'' Jack asked after a few minutes of silence. Ty looked at Amy, and she noded softly.

''A few kids shoved Amy into a row of lockers, sir,'' Ty said. Jack nodded. More silence.

''What happened after that?'' Jack questioned.

''I saw them do it to Amy. I walked over to her and helped her, then I took her to the school nurse. Nurse Nancy checked Amy out because her forehead got cut, and gave us a pass to leave and take Amy home,'' Ty answered honestly.

''I'm going to change into something more comfortable,'' Amy said the first thing since she and Ty got to Heartland.

''Okay,'' Jack said, nodding. Amy walked up the stairs to her room. Ty waited until he heard her bedroom door close before continuing.

''Those kids are bullying Amy, sir,'' Ty said sadly to Jack. ''We need to do something about it,'' he added.

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