▪︎ Ten ▪︎

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Everyone watched as Deena grabbed a large hunting knife, wincing as she sliced her palm letting the blood drip into the metal bucket that was already filled with a liquid substance that was partly glow in the dark.

And then they were off. 

They sprayed the entire mall full of hateful words towards the Goode family, how they were all evil with continuing with the slaughter of shadysiders. 

Josie feeling a little petty writes in large letters 'GOODE HAS A MICROSCOPIC PENIS'. Laughing at her own work, but before she could do anything else she felt a sharp pain in her abdomen. Wincing as she held her stomach in pain but then it went away, so she brushed it off. 

As they finish hanging bells and spraying the floor with the liquid in the bucket. Deena yells out to cut the power and the place looked amazing despite that fact it looked like a hurricane of outdated pranks hit it. 

The second they cut the power the bells rang indicating that someone had walked through the door. JJ quickly pulled Rie and Josie behind a pop up store, hiding them from anyone in sight including their friends, 

They could barely hear anything nor could they see anyone but then, the sounds of Martins pleading hit their ears. "WE COOL." Lifting their heads they see a cop shining his light down on ziggy and martin, martins hands lifted in a surrender. 

Then there was the milkman creeping behind the cop making Josie rush out of her hiding spot despite her friends pleads. "WATCH OUT BEHIND YOU!" The cop was too late because he was stabbed in the neck with the scarred face of the milkman staring down on him. 

Another cop ran up shooting him as Ziggy and Martin escaped, but to no avail, they watched as the cop was gutted by the milkman despite the fact he had been shot at over and over. 

They all rush to their positions by the store cages grabbing onto a rope, while Josie and Deena rush back to Sam, Deena grabbing the very potent perfume before spraying over her and Josie, getting it into Josie's mouth.

"Really." She whispered spitting out the perfume. "I love you Deena." The said girl looked over to her best friend since the second grade in sadness. 

"I love you too Josette." They sat hugging each other waiting for the gates to be closed. "Ride or Die right." 

Smiling at Deena, she nods "Ride or Die all the way." Then the sounds of the gates slamming shut snapped their head up and they watch as everyone rushes into the pizza place were they hiding in. 

"How many is that?"

"I got one, Martin got the Milkman, Rie and JJ skull mask." Josh whispers to his sister before looking behind her where a panting ziggy comes in. 

"Four. We have four." Ziggy kneels down to them. "Nightwing."

"No ruby?" 

"I don't know. We need to keep an eye on.." Martin shushes the arguing teenagers the second he realises they had gone quiet. "Why'd it get so quiet?"

They all rush to look out into the hall to see them standing still, holding onto the gate, not making one sound. "Shit. He's here." 

"You guys don't have to do this." Ziggy grabbed a hold of Josie's hand before pulling her to stand. "We really do." 

They both rush over the hanging tree hearing the bells of the door. He was here.

Ziggy stands covering the smaller girl who stared up at the tree with tears falling from her eyes, Ziggy herself staring at his figure that continued to walk in their direction. 

Breaking The Chain ••• Fear Street 1994, 1978, 1666Where stories live. Discover now