Eleven! | Introduction

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you make me feel like eleven!

you make me feel like eleven!

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1. Please don't steal
the graphics! :)

2. Make sure to do
the payment before
you receive the graphic

3. Be specific with
what you want but
be realistic

4. Put a recommendation
for a show for the password!

5. If I accept your
request, please use
it for at least 3 days.

6. I don't accept requests
that include the following
fandoms: The vampire
diaries, the 100, the originals,
teen wolf! I'd prefer if I had
some background knowledge
about the feel of the show or

7. Don't shop-hop pls :)

8. Make sure to already have
your story up while requesting
a graphic, thanks!

9. Please don't question why
I didn't accept your request,
if you want an explanation
will give it to you but it's not

10. Give me credit...


Follow me, and that's it!

Follow me, and that's it!

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Eleven | Graphics ShopWhere stories live. Discover now