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"2 people, VIP room"
"Baik, atas nama siapa?"
"Singto Prachaya"


Tanpa waktu lama, mereka berdua sudah sampai di ruang VIP restoran yang sedang viral kata media. Restoran seafood dengan pemandangan tepi laut lepas malam hari. Desiran air ombak terdengar sangat merdu di telinga keduanya.

Sebenarnya hanya sedikit orang yang memesan ruang VIP, 'cause everyone want the outdoor chair for their dinner. But this wild couple just want a private indoor room with sea view from a huge window.

Their private room complete with sofa, dining table, and some dim lights for best vibe.

"Kit, mau pesen apa?" ask the elder one no longer after the two of them flipped through the menu book. "I know you Singto, you hate seafoods right? Kenapa ngajak ke sini walaupun view-nya bagus?" the younger answer by furrowing his brows.

"You love this vibe Kit. I will order something else and enjoy this beautiful vibe and view with my beautiful person" kata-kata Singto dibalas dengan raut wajah ejekkan Kit.

They ended up with order a large lobster for Kit and dessert, for Singto - He thought this restaurant has one or two menu of meat or something except seafood, sadly, he was wrong.


"Nih, makan timunnya" tell Kit when he finds some cucumbers next to his lobster. "Once Kit, always Kit, you never like cucumber. Coba lah Kit, sehat tau" Singto said while he's eating a slice of fresh cucumber.

"Enggak ah, rasanya gak jelas" Kit menolak saat Singto mulai menyodorkan irisan timun yang lain dengan garpu. "Makan Kit" - "Enggak ah, gak mau Singto!"

"Apa sih"

"Eat through this fork or i will fed you with my mouth"

"To, please jangan kambuh di sini" Kit blocking Singto's silly hand. "Then eat it" Singto tak mau kalah. "Okay, but you have to taste this lobster too" Kit's challenge ended up with Singto's suspicious smirk.

Singto push his chair backward and stand up. Walk close to Kit - He hasn't figure it out what Singto next action, Kit just move his chair with his feet close to the sofa and cover his face with both of his hands.

Singto purposely push Kit body until the younger one fell to the sofa and his wooden chair just thrown away - Singto step up one of his leg and put his hands on Kit's back head and the other one on Kit's back-waist, just to set his beautiful person lying down on the comfy sofa.

"No no Singto, kalau ada yang masuk gimana?" Kit mencoba mendorong dada Singto agar segera menghindar darinya.

"I already put up 'do not disturb' sign, Kit. You don't have any reason to avoiding me"

"Singto please, bentar lagi kita pulang kan? Udah di rumah aja!" Kit still cover his face especially his lips, cuz a big lion in front of him keep staring at his lips and ready to pounce anytime.

"Bukannya Kit yang tadi nyuruh Singto buat nyobain lobster?" tanya Singto dengan nada imut namun sedikit mengejek dengan posisinya yang masih sama, mendekatkan wajahnya dan setia berada di atas Kit.

"Ih, kan ada sendok Too" "Gak enak, rasa besi - kalo punya Kit enak, manis, lembut, merah. Kayak es krim red velvet aku" Singto nimbly got rid of Kit's hand that cover his favorite prey and still staring intently at his universe.

He grip both of Kit's hand downwards with one hand and the other one rub Kit's forehead 'till his hair gently. Kit can't handle his blush and stop avoiding Singto.

Their faces keep getting closer and closer. The only thing that can be heard now is the breath of the two and the sound of waves outside.

Somehow, Singto sticking out his tounge first, let Kit bite them softly continued with his lips that landed perfectly on Kit's lips. They close their eyes and their lips move slowly. Tight each other's lips.

Kit let go of his hand that was gripped by Singto few minutes ago - move and circle it around Singto's neck.

"Kit, you're similar like a boat.."

"Sometimes you toss to the right, sometimes to the left. But, you can balance it so it wouldn't move. Cuma kalau kamu, kadang mau, kadang nggak mau. Ya tapi kalo dipaksa kayak gini, itu bibir pasti tetep ngisep" ucap Singto dengan nafas tersengal.

"Can we continue it?" Kit mengelus lembut belakang kepala Singto dari, bawah. Singto tentu bersemangat, their faces just getting closer.. until...


"To? Kamu kenapa To??" Kit sangat panik saat melihat Singto bersin tak berhenti sambil mendudukkan dirinya di pegangan sofa.

"S-.... hmmph, S-Sorry Kit, hamphh - aku lupa bilang, iya aku ga suka seafood apalagi lobster karena punya alergi ini.. HACHOO! M-Maaf Kit, ini bakal agak lama berhenti" Singto menjelaskan alasannya pada Kit dengan bersin yang kian memburuk.

"Aahh! To! Aku bilang juga apa, di rumah aja! Asal dorong ke sofa, jadi gini kan hasilnya! Aku gak tau ya, jangan salahin aku!" omel Kit tidak tahan sembari mendudukan Singto di kursi meja makan dan memberinya air.


"Udah?" tanya Kit setelah melihat Singto yang sudah mulai membaik setelah setengah jam.

"Hmm.. Maaf ya.. Ayo pulang aja" Singto segera membereskan tasnya


Kit bring his face closer to Singto forehead, brushing his hair a little bit then leave one sweet kiss on Singto's forehead.

"Listen me okay? You're like a boat too, To. You have an effort to deliver passengers to their destination choices. But, you don't know your limit. Kamu sebetulnya bener-bener gak bisa makan seafood tapi ngajak aku ke sini karena menurut kamu aku suka suasana di sini. Tapi sebetulnya To, aku suka di tempat mana aja asal kamu bisa senyum sama aku di sana.. " Kit explain many words to Singto while caressing his cheek gently.

Singto tersenyum, mendengar ocehan yang terdengar bahkan kalah dari ibunya. Tapi tak apa, apapun yang Kit ucapkan tidak pernah diucapkan orang lain. Karena Kit, hanya milik Singto.


"Kit, ayo pulang, sikat gigi"


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