Chapter 8

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Author's Note:

"Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

Happy Holidays"

If you know the classic song that has these lyrics, here's a cookie. And if you don't, have a cookie anyway.


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~*August 14th, 1969*~

Jack opened his eyes and found himself on the driveway near Cliff's open garage.


The barks of several neighborhood dogs erupted all around him.

He looked to his right and saw that Liam's bike had driven right into Cliff's open garage, and had hit a box full of paper that was inside. Fortunately, the box prevented Liam from hitting the cement wall that was just ten feet behind it.


He whipped his head to the left and found Keegan several feet away, hunched over his bike's touchscreen.

Jack got up from his bike, and went to check on Keegan while Drew, Cliff, and Liam gathered in front of the garage.

He leaned down, and tried to shake Keegan's jaw with his hand, which seemed to help a little.

Keegan lifted up his head carefully, and scrunched his face with narrowed eyes.

"...Jack?" Keegan said softly.

Then his head dropped down once more.

Jack sighed.

"What am I gonna do with you?"

He wasted no time, and started to put one of Keegan's arms around his shoulder.


He called out to the trio.

"A little help?"

He raised his eyebrows expectantly.

Liam went over to help him with Keegan while Cliff and Drew hung back.

He glared at them for a moment, but they only stood there.

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Cliff watched as Liam and Jack attempted to get Keegan off of his bike.

"So," he said out loud.

"So," Drew parroted back at him.

"I guess we work for a time travel company now."

"Guess so."

Cliff turned his head to look at Drew.

"What the hell were we thinking?"

Drew shrugged.

"I don't know. It's a high paying job—"

"Screw that. Any dumb movie star could make the same amount of money doing way less."

Drew looked down, his eyes fixed on the ground.

Cliff looked him over.

"There's a reason why you wanted to do this job. Isn't there?" Cliff asked him.

Drew looked up, his expression tense.

Jack and Liam approached them with Keegan in between them, his head drooping.

"We're gonna tuck this nerd in," Jack said, nodding his head toward Keegan.

"You coming?" Liam asked Cliff.

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