In this psychological werewolf story, Ryan takes you inside his head as he transforms from an honor student and star athlete into a snarling monster with fangs.
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See, the thing the werewolf stories leave out is the way the werewolf feels as the change is happening. The first feeling is the itch. I feel coarse hair growing all over my body. Not just my head and face but all over my body. It's like a rash. It's like a bath in poison ivy. So my mind goes, "Oh God, is it happening again?"
Bear with me for this next part. My cock gets hard and my balls rise. Not gonna lie. That part feels better. But it's confusing. I'm 16. When it isn't soft any more, I usually know what's setting it off. I mean, if I see an Asian babe with super-straight hair, it doesn't take a genius. But it happens when I transform too, and I don't know why.
The shape and texture of my teeth changes. When I run my tongue over my teeth, everything is jagged and sharp. If I look in a mirror, it looks like I have a dog's mouth. I have to be really careful not to bite my tongue because it'll hurt like hell.
My head gets cloudy. Or some parts do. Things like algebra and European history fly out the window. Seriously. Once when I was transformed, I tried to remember FOIL and what came to mind was "first, over, idea, lint." But my sense of direction gets heightened. I'll be really lost in a neighborhood and have to guess which direction to go. Nine times out of ten, I'm right. I guess it's like how dogs know how to get home.
I used to be normal.
Let's start with soccer. No one ever starts with soccer. I know the deal. If you're a great athlete, you play basketball. If you're good but either bulky or in one of those states where they don't really play basketball, then you play football. The next best thing you can do is soccer. But I was good. I scored the most goals for my team two years running.
I was good at school. I got awards for science every year. Best Science Fair project. Best experiment poster. I learned a trick. One of the hardest parts is to pick a good project. Instead of picking something at random, you go to the library and ask for the science fair file. It has tons of good ideas that people used before. Then you just tweak a good project and make it your own. I wasn't good at every subject. I hate history. I don't want to tell you what it would feel like to own a slave plantation. How twisted are you?
Lemme tell you about my family. We're a mix of Italian, Sicilian, and Greek. Lots of mixed marriages but it makes for a pretty fun group. And the food is unbelievable - lasagna, dolmas, baklava, and cannoli.
My girlfriend, Miriam, is hot. I know better than to go around saying that, but I feel I can tell you. She did ballet for 7 years and she still does other kinds of dance. The one thing I wish I could change about her is that she's kinda woo. She believes in crystals, tarot cards, essential oils, and, most unfortunately for me, astrology.