original family love

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*All rights reserved* 

*characters are not my own* 

Kol ran into the Gilbert household. Elena and Jerrmy hudled in Elenas room. Jeremy loaded his gun and cocked it. He pointed it at the bedroom door. Elena moved her dresser against the white door. Kol ran up the stairs and kicked the door. Elena and Jeremy readied themselves. Kol kicked at the door one more time and it finally was open. Elenas red cherry dresser flew across the bedroom and hit against her light blue walls. It shattered into many little pieces. Kol elegantly ran into the bedroom and knocked Elena down. Jeremy shots his gun and hits Kol in his back. Kol grunts in pain but manages to bash Elenas head onto her wooden floor knocking her out. He runs at Jeremy but Jeremy shot his gun again. This time it hits Kol into his stomach, as Kol grips his stomach Jeremy runs off and down the stairs. He knows if he can get to Bonnie she will be able to hrlp him and Elena but if he does not then they shall both perish. Or maybe he will lose his arm. Jeremy reaches the end of the stairs and he throws the door open but Kol appears in front of him.  

"Going somewhere, mate?" He asked in his very sexy accent. Kol throws Jeremy across the room and then slams the door shut. Inside Kol he cannot believe the pain he feels. His own brother Klaus has plotted with these Gilbert kids to kill him. 

Now Kol, theres no time to think about that, you will deal with hin later, Kol thought to himself. He now must cut off Jeremys arm to keep Silas from rising. Its better to leave somethings buried. He grabbed Jeremy and took him to the kitchen.  

Elena regained concsciencous and heard with her vampire ears groaning. She rushed down into the kitchen. Kol had a butchered knife and held it above Jeremys right arm. Just as Kol was about to cut it, Elena rushed and pushed him away.  

"Get away from my brother!" She yelled. Kol quickly came back and slammed Kol on the other side of the kitchen. She grabbed the butcher knife and flung it at Kol. It got him in the shoulder, at his moment of weakness, Jeremy grabbed the white oak stake. He held it above Kol and let it down. Right as it was about to hit his heart, Klaus came and kicked the stake against the wall and it breaks. Then he flings Elena and she falls near the sink. Klaus lets the water full of vervain spray her. Elena groans in agony as the burning pain fills her body. He pushes Jeremy against the wall and knocks him out. Bonnie then enters and tries to stop Klaus but Klaus is quicker and grabs her by the throat.  

"Goodbye, witch," he tells her but before she could doe, Stefan arrives and pushes him. Behind him Rebekah stands and runs to Kol. She grips Kol and tries to stop some of the bleeding. Klaus and Stefan stare at each other until Klaus joins Rebekah. they together carry a hurt Kol out of the Gilbert household and to Rebekahs faboulous house. Stefan stops the water and grabs Elena. He asks if shes ok and she hugs him tight. At that momebt, every memory they have ever had came back. Together they stared at each other and finally kissed. The kiss was soft and tender and for a moment Elena forgot all about Damon. When the kiss finished, they smiled and Elena checked up on a slighty confused Jeremy. As she turned around she saw Damon. On his flawless face, there,was pain.  

"Damon...I..." Stammered Elena. 

"Forget it Elena, I am not going to be your doll. Goodbye." He told her before turning around and running off. Down his cheek, he let fall atear for he knows he has lost her.  

Elena sighs, her relationship with Damon was over. 

Rebekah and Klaus brought Kol back and set him on Rebekahs queen bed, so much for the white covers. Klaus ran out to get Kol blood. He frantically searched for a victim and finally conpelled a girl with auburn hair. Then he bit into her and gave her open vein to Kol. Kol thirstlily drank to regain his strength but was weak. Finally, Kol passed out.  

"What the bloody hell happened?" Rebekah asked. Klaus hesitated. 

"Well your precious boyfriend almost had his plan to kill Kol successful." 

"Stefan would never do that!" 

"Rebekah do you bloody hear yourself? I mean I conpelled Damon to not kill Jeremy. Just so they do not have a reason to kill hom but apparently you just believe anyone who sleeps with you. Like those hunters." 

"You know Niklaus, your the reason we always are in danger...but as much as I hate to admit it, I care about you. We may be disfunctional but we shall always stick together protect each other." Rebekah admitted. Klaus stared at her until he finally realized she was right.

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