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AFTER the kiss you and albedo didn't really talk much over the rest of the weekend

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AFTER the kiss you and albedo didn't really talk much over the rest of the weekend. though you had also been avoiding him slightly, with making up excuses so that you didn't have to walk together in the mornings

it's was only when you both met at the library for your study sessions did he first talk. though it wasn't as in depth as before, with only asking about any final things he needed to go over before exam season actually started

from what you could gather, it seemed as if the kiss never happened in the first place with how unbothered he was being around you. whereas on the other hand, you couldn't even maintain eye contact for 2 seconds before looking elsewhere

albedo definitely knew that the kiss did something to you and vice-versa, but since this was such a critical part in the school year he didn't want to interfere even more with what you were feeling and let alone his own feelings too.

as much as he hated doing so, he went for the safe route of pushing his feelings down temporarily and leaving you be to sort yours out too

in fairness it was a wise decision from albedo. you couldn't afford to let your efforts over the past months go to waste and possibly end up failing all because of a kiss

nor did you actually have the time to properly think over what was going on with him and you since you were packed with loads of extra curricular work.

though you did make a little promise to yourself before it was too late

if i score higher than him i'll confess

as the exam season rolled on over everyone did notice the distance between you and him, but as much to their dismay they too couldn't focus on that right now

mainly due to the fact that every chance you could all get during school hours were spent on doing revision for the next upcoming exam. leaving almost no time for long conversations to happen.

the reason why everyone started getting so serious at this time was that all of you were aiming for top universities, so reaching the entry requirements was a main priority right now. it was understandable that everyone was out doing their own thing at times.

so far though you had been managing fairly well. nearing the end, all of you had one exam left. maths. what a great subject to end on. meeting outside the exam hall you all huddled together in one circle with you arms on each others shoulders and heads in for ajax's seasonal speech he always ended up doing on the final test whenever things like this happened

as stupid as it sounds no one really questioned it and left it be. although none of you wanted to admit to it, it was really nice hearing his words for the final push.

"alright guys one more exam"
"we can do this"

"we're so close AHH"

"ARGHH after this i'm taking the biggest nap in the world"

"me too"

"i'm gonna binge all my kdramas they've been waiting for too long"

"i'm gonna go on a shopping spree"

"i think i'll probably do some painting"

"might as well play a few valorant games before passing out"

"nice to know we all have our rewards set, so let's ace this final test and relish in the efforts we all put in to get here. if you can do it practice, you can do it in the real thing. we can do it. LETS GO TOTAL DRAMA TOILET !!"


and with that you all entered your final exam, feeling slightly more motivated than before.

and with that you all entered your final exam, feeling slightly more motivated than before

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ded when's the confession chapt bro😔💔

kidding it's coming soon

or is it 🧐🧐


© maari 2022

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