5th Block Peanut Butter Head

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    "RING!"  That was first bell time for 5th block, and I had Mrs. B for history that block. I walked in and like usual channel one was on, but no one was watching it. They were all talking and didn't pay atition to what was happening. well, thats about the same time Mrs. B walked in with her cup of coffe and wass whelling in her chair like usual. She started the day like always with her screaming at us for talking to much and not paying atition to channel one. And she would follow that up with asking what intresting things have happened in the world news, and no one knew what to say and someone look it up on his or phone while she was yelling at us about the noise. After we said something that was happening or somthing that happened she would start to go off on someone or something that was happening, but usual it was about the gun laws. She hated them. She said that everyone shouldn't be able to go out and buy as much bullets as they wanted, but anyway we would listen to her for about thirty-mins. But this morning was very diffrent and some may say that it is crazy, but it was by far the best block I had ever had

    After we got done talking about the world news someone came on the intercom and said that we were going into code blue. Which was very unusual ,because we had had a code blue drill before but this one was real. We all went through the motions Mrs. B graped her key and locked the door and told us to line up on the wall next to the door and to be quiet. Well of course we couldn't be quiet and Parker started which caused all of us to start to talk. Mrs. B told us to please be quiet, but she knew that we wouldn't listen if she said to be queit so she then told us to shut up and that if we didn't that we would be the first for the rober or whatever he was to come in and get us. Well aparently Mrs. B didn't lock the door very well and a weird, crazy looking dude in a lab coat came in and told us to line up on the wall with our hands behind our back and not to move. After we all lined up on the wall he told us his evil plan and let me tell you it was boring so let me sum it up for you, he said that he was a scientitist that was about to try his new ray gun on us. Mrs. B got up and told him that he will not be shooting us with anything and then he shot her with the ray gun and turned her into a cat and then he turned us all into cats.

  After we wake up from being shot with that gun we where confused and didn't know where Mrs. B went. We started by looking by her desk  in the drawes and finnaly the fridge and she was in there with her head stuck in a peanut butter jar trying to get the last drop of peanut butter. We look at her and ask her what she was doing and she said that she got hungry and we just laughed. But,then Mrs. B was made because she couldn't get her head out of the jar. We asked her if she had any butter and she looked at us and said do I look like I carry around butter with me. We all looked at her and said yes and then laughed. But when did find some jelly and got her head out and then asked what now.

  Mrs. B said that we should start by finding that crazy sciencetitist. So, we leaft the room and started down the stairs but of course Mrs. B didn't want to go down the stairs. So we went back into the classroom and got the peanut butter jar and put it on her head and pushed her down. But instead of making it down to the bottom she got stuck half way through and we told her not to move but she sifted her weight and fell. Well, we had to go back into the classroom to go and get the jelly again.

 Once we got her head out the second time around then we had to figure out how to get out the big doors. So we found an air fent and we let Mrs. B go first so that we could get to the other building. Well there was a trash can out side coleting water and as son as we are right above it the fent gives outand we all go falling into the ice cold water. After our little soak we were pretty bad and had to sink into the band hall and hind inside the tube untill the band director leaft but instead he came into get a tube. So we stuffed Mrs. B into the tube and we belw into the tube and shoot her at the band director and knocked him out. We then go into his office and climb through an air fent that for some reason leads to Sam's and when we walk in there there is an ilall full of peanut butter. so of course Mrs. B wants to go and get some so we asked her what size bugy the single the double or triple and she points at the crane. We all get into the crane and she goes and gets her peanut butter and we drive out the store with the police after us so Mrs. B said she would throw some peanut butter at them so she graps a tub and starts to eat all of it and we ask her if she is going to throw it and she said she would when it is empty. Little did we know but she leaft a little peanut butter in the jar and made us stop so she could go back and eat it all.

   While we were being chaced by the cops we saw our math teacher with someone in the back of the car waving at us, but while we where paaying atition to her we ran into the crazy scientitist houe where he was there with the stuff to change us back. So we all jump out and startt to jump him and throw peanut butter at him for the veal, aand once we get it change back and get back ''RING" that was the bell for 6th block.

5th Block Peanut Butter HeadWhere stories live. Discover now