Part 1

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Monday -
You wake up, and lay there for a sec staring at the ceiling while your hand wanders around the covers searching for your phone. Finally, you grab the phone and check the time to see its 10:49am. You've got to be joking.

Your head was pounding from a hangover. It felt like the room was spinning. You got up and walked over to the kitchen, Annie had already left the dorm for class, obviously its 11am. Annie was your roommate, you guys had been close since high-school and decided to rent a house together during college to save money since you both happened to be going to the same one. It wasn't huge but it was cozy. You opened the fridge and grabbed the plastic bottle of water and slowly drag yourself back into your room, grabbing some ibuprofen on the way in. There was no point in even going to class anymore, considering you would be like 2 hours late and feel like trash so you decided to take a shower and just relax for the rest of the day. You knew missing a whole day of class wasn't the wisest decision but you had already made up your mind

- 3 hrs and a shower later

You had taken a shower and dozed back off to sleep when you were woken up by Annie unlocking the door. "Hii" you say as she walks through the door, she lets out a monotone "hi".

"Stop missing class. Ur causing urself more problems, especially with Mr. Ackerman, you know how he is." she says in annoyance.

You roll your eyes and fall back down onto the bed, "I know, I have the intention of going...its just another story when I have to." you groan.

"Whatever,Anyways i'm gonna go out to eat with Armin lmk if you need anything I'm gonna go take a shower"

You smile and nod, along with winking at the mention of Armins name. She rolls her eyes and walks away into the bathroom.

4 days later - Friday

You wake up and check your phone, a routine, 7:00am. You let out a sigh of pain and get up to take a shower. You walk into the bathroom and turn the knob to the left to heat up the water.

After the shower, You sit down at your desk to do your makeup, The group made plans to go meetup together at some cafe right after class since its been hard to spend time with each other due to finals. So you decided to just get ready now instead of in the car. You put on some concealer, eyeliner, and lashes, along with some lipgloss. You look at the time 7:42 perfect. You grab your purse and keys walk out the door, locking it behind you.

2 hours later -

"Okay and for now thats it, you all are dismissed."
You sigh in relief, happy the day is almost over, as you walk down and pass the professors desk when he speaks, "l/n can you stay for a second"

You stop and turn around, in confusion. "Yes Mr. Ackerman?" you question.

"You keep missing class, we've had this discussion before"

You hold back the urge to roll you eyes, "Yeah I am very sorry about that, I'm really trying" someone save me, can this conversation please end already.

"Clearly thats not good enough, there are people who can take your spot, don't forget that, you have potential just show up. Next time you miss my class ur out. This is ur final warning."

"Yes, I understand Mr. Ackerman. Is that all?" He nods and you speed walk out of the classroom.

You check the time and realize that you're probably gonna be late to meetup with Annie and everyone. You get in your car and notice that Annie had beaten you there, she was already unlocking the door, "Hey Annie!" you say while running up the stairs gasping for air trying to catch up with her .

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