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Y/n P.O.V~

you wake up on a sunny morning and yawn while you are stretching "what a nice Morni-" you open your eyes to see two figures "AHH WTF-" (your friends Elijah and Sarah are standing next to your bed) as your sight starts to clear up you see it's your friends, "w-what are you doing here!?!? It's 7:4- OH SHOOT IM LATE FOR CLASS!!" Sarah sighs and says   " that's why we came but you woke up by yourself" and you are listening to her and jump out of bed and start getting ready.

10 minutes later~

you are finally ready  you run out the door with Elijah and Sarah following you. once you arrive at UA you grumble to yourself about being late, once you walk through the hall everyone moves out of the way. they make faces at you as if they are scared or weirded out by you. you can hear everyone whispering about you Elijah puts his arm around your shoulders trying to comfort you because he sees your getting anxious. your chest and throat start to tighten as you feel your face heating up. you finally get to your classroom and you try to calm down so nobody notices you were crying and you walk in and instantly get stares because your late

Aizawas P.O.V~

"so problem children that's how to handle a emergency Siuta-" and I got distracted because Y/n came in late " Mrs. L/n you are late for the first day" as Y/n Elijah and Sarah come in they apologize the three say " sorry we are late"  and go to there seats. I couldn't tell I was annoyed because they were late, or I was annoyed cause I did not get sleep " ok  am going to sleep, don't wake me unless its an emergency like a v attack" and I went in my sleeping bag and feel asleep 

Y/n P.O.V~

I well I guess I'm going to be made fun of I thought to myself I looked over and saw a short grape headed dude that was actually nice " hello my name is Mineta you are Y/n right?" a looked at him confused at why he didn't make fun of me " yeah-....OH yeah t-that's me  Y-Y/n" I froze for a second. " I'm surprised your being nice to me, most people are rude and say I look weird" he smiles and says " you don't look weird to me you look pretty" I smile and say "thanks! that's actually the first time in a while" and then I hear Elijah yell "CODE RED" my eyes widen and I start to heat up with anger  as my ears rise all the way ( you have wolf ears and tail) and my tail starts to stiff up " What do you mean" I say as I start to ball up my fist Elijah says" they found us..."

you run to the window to see your enemy the cougars who your family has been fighting for centuries, it's been so long it's hard to tell who started what. every year is a new reason to fight but only 1 pack wins and the second in command will be the new leader and they were trying to find me to see who wins or loses but it wasn't just to fight it was for revenge of last year but i had so many things on my mind i forgot why that's why they were outside the school gate and you knew the next thing you were going to say you are going to regret " we have to fight them, that's what they want"  everyone is confused and started to look out the window.

 Me Elijah and Sarah teleport outside and call for the wolf pack and i saw someone is recording and to me that's a red flag but she looked like Pinkie pie from mlp(my little pony) all of the wolf pack got here and the leader of the cougar pack smirked and said " long time no see bestie"

and that's it for chapter 1, 680  words

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