Darkness Awakens.

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In a town that was small not the small ones you've seen in your timeline, the town of people who were personality wise in some strange but wonderful way. A man named Julian, he was a sort of a short stack of some point he was about hmm.. 4'3? Yeah, Yeah! That's it. He's 4'3 , he is a tan skinned fragile human, he has really messy black hair, a plain purple shirt that doesn't seem all that special in his book.

Julian was an artist who barely knows anyone but just himself, he was in a hurry back home from the library for books for his art study's, he was pushing and shoving people out of his way trying to make his way to his porch and that moment he made it aggressively opening the door and slamming with the lean on it he sighed, he looked around his room as he frowned he was tired of how everything was the same but everyone's day was different. He then gets up and puts his books on the shelf and looks around the shelf, as he looks and makes himself useful.

A shadow that just ran floating around from the woods from the tower far from the city and the castle. The Shadow just got out of their little crisis they had with their master, "I must congratulate you for taking the initiative of getting the book from King Lyle. " The mysterious master beamed at the shadow "Of course, it was an easy way to get there cause King Lyle was having his daily bath. " The shadow said bored for his life at the matter, the master never lets him leave his position as his helper what the shadow knew was that he wanted the book to summon a dark storm to destroy the kingdom and make it his own and the shadow was labeled as his loyal pet. "Master, when will I have my wish? " The shadow soothes his voice "Well, there will be a day I will change my mind and your wish will come to the world, you just need to be patient. " "WELL I'M TIRED OF BEING 'PATIENT' YOU KNOW ALL I WANT IS A BODY! YOU NEVER MAKE ME FIND A-" "CONTROL YOURSELF! LEARN YOUR PLACE!! " The master replied interrupting the shadows rant, the shadow quickly got quiet the master was flipping page through page trying to find the spell King Lyle was trying to hide from everyone, the book he had was no ordinary book it was a book of power for all of the generation of kings, the book contained unhealthy power for its own good which was the book Lyle's father gave to him before he passed away 3 years ago, the master mumbled and grumbled under his breath still bound to find it wouldn't give up one bit till he found it. The shadow thought of what will happen if he doesn't find a corpse for his own void body, so he thought about it, and thought, as he noticed that his foe was right in front of him that dragged him away from getting what he truly wanted, he knew what had to be done, killing his master for his vein.

As the shadow took a own pit of his void body, and created a hammer and whammed it across his master's very sensitive head, they putted his back into it and said "I'm tired of waiting on you.. I'm making my own decision's and I will rule that castle. " The shadow said as he took the book while his master, well used-to-be master until now, his master was dead with one blow on his head he already had a small splatter of blood coming from his very damaged skull.

The shadow flew out of the window of the very dark deserted tower as he flew across the woods as he was a little tired, he than saw a house that looked like no one was home until then he made himself comfortable as he went inside through the wall, as his disguise he used King Lyle's book and puts himself into a shelf, as he then heard footsteps coming from the bathroom he hid in the book as he saw Julian and Julian was looking pretty wound up from his not so normal everyday life. "If only I could just be more than I am right now. " Julian said to himself the shadow peaked his head out of the book to listen what he was saying "I'm tired of being one guy that can't do much from one house, I want to be more, I want to be big, I want.. " he stopped by that point and he thought about something he never imagined saying, "Royalty." Julian said as he looks out his window and looks at the gigantic castle, the shadow gasped, then he went slowly into a sharp toothy grin as he then had an idea, Julian was still looking at the castle as he heard shaking from the book shelf as a glowing purple book as he turned around was shaking and rattling, Julian slowly but carefully walked to the shelf and pulled the book out, the label had a pentagram as the cover but it was pretty much a endless way of looking at it. Julian then opened the book as a shocking beam shoots from out of the book, as he then was shocked from it red eyes came from out of the book as the beam stopped the Dark King known as the shadow came out of the book "Master? Master where are you? " They said, Julian was very confused about what has happened "Who's your master? " Julian stuttered he was speechless about all of this "Oh! Didn't see ya there big man! Hope you didn't mind if I let myself in after all..I can hear your mind. " The shadow said widening his red fury eyes at Julian, "Y-You know what I want?? " Julian said, he didn't want to think of the shadow as some magical genie or some fantasy crap "Like I said I can read your mind in a snap of my hand. " The shadow chuckled turning his back "You know, I have a dream too y know it's something I would want to  be a part of, you feel the same don't you.. Julian? " Julian's body turned a bit cold the shadow was right! Julian was curious about why this shadow was here but he didn't want to ask "Well.. Y-Yeah I do, it's not like they matter at all. " "Oh don't act so deliberate! What silly words people say today, you must share to me! I think I might have a solution to your problem. " the shadow shouted as he puts on his guilt trip face at Julian, Julian then said "I always wanted to be someone better than I am today, I would be so much more than a villager with the same schedule and routine, I want to be a king of King Lyle's castle! " Julian said with his voice rising a bit, the shadow then said "Very much interesting, I want to be royalty too but the thing is, I'm a shadow of course no one can see me only in the morning.. But I think I might have a little... Deal we can make on ourselves just to make one collide." The shadow insisted with his toothy smile, Julian was in a heartbeat he was scared of what the deal was gonna be "What's the plan? " he asked the shadow smiled and said "Well I might as well set all hands on deck. ~" they said "So, I could be able to give you what you want if you give me ooonnneee little thing. " Julian gulped and said "What would that be? " "Your body. " they said smiling the widest it could "Julian's eyes widened in fear and said "What f-for though?" " I haven't told you yet haven't I? Oh where are my manners! I needed a fresh corpse to make myself King, of course we could team up cause I may be a shadow but I don't have to fully possess people. " they said as they swarmed around Julian "What's the other case though? " "To kill King Lyle for his throne!! "

Julian then gasped covering his mouth, "I would go with the idea of my body b-but killing King Lyle??!!" "Don't panic Don't panic I'm a shadow I have my ways around the world, Do you want to change your life don't you want to live in a castle and feel ROYALTY??!! " The shadow shouted as Julian then nodded still stoned to death "So do we got a... Deal? ~" he said pulling out his glowing purple hand Julian looked at it he lifted his hand to touch it, then he looks at the castle, as he quickly handshakes the shadow as a whirling wind was surrounding them. The shadows eyes were squinting as he let's out a very chaotic laughter as Julian felt very num and the shadow then put a small slit through his hand as they went inside of the slit to his entire body frame  as Julian couldn't take it he was groaning and twisting and turning cause he feels the process has begun, Julian then began to look a little different in his looks his hair was made into a slick back pompadour his eyes were purple and metallic, he's gotten a bit taller which was 5'1 he usually was 4'3 until he grew a bit taller, as the process was completed, the shadow was smiling as he looked at himself that he was now in Julian's body, He felt his hair his chest his waist and  of course his teeth. "Now, since I'm in this body now I will be the new Julian! And no one will ever find a way to stop me!! " the shadow laughed as he then grabbed his cloak and went outside to the rain and was on his way to the castle.

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2022 ⏰

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