Chapter 1

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One night a girl woke up very early in the morning. Her name was Liz and on her way to the bathroom she saw a rainbow neckalce outside of her window. She snuck outside to see it.

      When she got outside she picked it up. She then said "It's shiny,rainbow and glittery" she then paused "It's leading me to a rainbow!" She said excitedly. She looked up and saw a ring. She walked over to it and when she picked it up another one was in front of her.

     She didn't pay attention to what they were she just grabbed it she went to the next.

   Minutes later she was done she then saw a beautiful rainbow. At the bottom she found a note that said "Live on me" she accepted the request and stepped on.

  When she got to the top of the rainbow she then wondered "how did I step on a rainbow" she decided to just ignore it and explore.

   A while later she looked at her phone and saw a big notification that told her that she was on a magic rainbow and was trapped for 5 years.

    3 years later she had a cloud house to live in. "Only two years left" she said to herself. Every year on January 1st she went down and tried to go out.

  It never worked but when she got to the top the other half of the rainbow she had never been on turned black and grey. She finally found a way to escape amd she did escape.

  She ran home.

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