Kouji's Adventure on Taming Kushida

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3rd Person POV

Kushida : "So?what do you want from me
Ayanokouji kun?"

Ayanokouji : "Ah,before that what do you want to drink?i have coffee,tea,and chocolate milk."

Kushida : "Then, chocolate milk please!"

Ayanokouji : "Ok, please wait and you can sit on my bed.you can also turn on the tv if you want."

Kushida : "Okie(◠‿◕)"

Ayanokouji then go to the kitchen.Kushida just sit on the bed,play with her phone with his annoyed face. because she just absurdly got invited by the person she hate at night

3 minute later, Ayanokouji back with 2 cup of choco milk on her hand

Ayanokouji : "Here"

He say,then give one of the cup to kushida

Kushida : "Thanks Ayanokouji Kun!"

Ayanokouji : "You don't need to act like this you know?"

The bright smile that Kushida always wear on her face instantly dissapeard and got replaced by a very scary face with menacing look

Kushida : "Tch,what do you want? Make this quick.I don't want to waste my time to talk something useless with you.Just being at this boring room is already enough to make me want to punch someone."

'wow,it still amazing that she can change her personality that quick' Ayanokouji thought

Ayanokouji : "Relax,i don't intend to have a pointless chit chat with you.Why don't you drink that milk first."

Say Ayanokouji.Then Kushida start to take a sip of the milk, still with his -not so feeling good face

Ayanokouji : "Alright, let's make this quick.I want you to stop targeting me and Horikita.You've been a big problem for our class lately."

Kushida is really trying hard to expell Ayanokouji and Horikita lately.she constantly spreading bad rumors about them.and because of his social standing that extremely high,there are so many people that have known the rumors,and some of them even believe it

Not only that,she also have betrayed class many time,just because of her selfish desire to get the two of them dissapeared from this school

Kushida : "Huh? Are you stupid or something? Seriously,you call me and make me go to the boys dorm at night,just to say something very stupid like this?"

Ayanokouji : "Yes,and your answer?and i must tell you that your answer right now will change the way you live in this school.it may be to a good way,or to the opposite."

Ayanokouji said,with a deep and strong tone,to make sure Kushida know that he is not playing around

Kushida : "H-huh?you think you can intimidate me just like that?You know that you two can destroy my already perfect life right?I-I have to protect that no matter what."

Ayanokouji: "And you already know that i don't really care about your past right?I don't really intend to expose it either."

Kushida : "I can't simply risking my life just because of that sweet word of yours.who knows you or that bitch will expose it in a certain situation.......Argh,whatever.just do what you want,and i do what i want."

Ayanokouji : "is that so....then i'll take it as a no."

He said, Kushida just gulp at hearing that

At that time,she didn't know that she is choose the wrong answer

'...what..is...this?...why did i start to feel sleepy so sudden? I need to go back to my room....' Kushida thought

Kushida : "T-thats all right?i will go back to my room.This extremely plain and super boring room of yours is make me feel sleepy"

She then started walk to the door,only to find out that the door is locked

'h-huh? W-w-why did he lock the door?' Kushida thinking, started to get scared

Kushida : "H-hey,c-can you o-open the do-"

She didn't finish her sentence, because Ayanokouji just suddenly standing in front of her.he start to wrap his arm to her body,then gently massage it

Her fingers just dancing all over his body,while giving a light and gentle press on it.After a while,the boy slowly rising one of her hand,then rub his head soothingly.He is trying a new technique that he learn just before she come to this room,'a headpat'

She just stand there,with a confused mind.she didn't try to push him,is this because her confused mind?,her sleepy feeling?,or because of the pleasureable massage she just got now?

Whatever the reason is,her drowsiness got stronger,her mind is slowly become more relax,her eyes are also started to feel more heavy.her sleeping urges is going to the peak of it.

Kushida : "A-Ayanokouji......"

With that last word,her consciousness has completely gone.the boy just stare at the completely sleeping Kushida for a while,then he started to carry the sleeping beauty to the bed

Ayanokouji : "Alright,let's get started"


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