rainbow dash's fateful day...

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Rainbow dash had to deliver rainbows to the other surrounding villages . She hated this work, especially in stormy weather. Rainbow tried to speed things up by flying faster ,but she couldn't because when she did the winds would push her back farther. "Ugh! I wish this was over already!! So I could get back to doing my stunts!". Rainbow whined to herself. She now wished she had never taken the job of being a wonder bolt. Why did she even take the job in the first place, heck,why did she even dream about this job?...Lightning started to get worst through out the minutes . Then , all of a sudden , rainbow was blinded by a white light and a crackling sound was heard after. She felt searing hot pain throughout her body . She then realized,she couldn't fly anymore. She was paralyzed from her neck down to her hooves. She then fell toward the ground . She then hit the ground with a thud, the glass containers holding the rainbows fell too, shattering glass everywhere ,and spilling the contents out."Someone help me!!". Rainbow yelled out ,her voice was drowned out by the howling winds . Rainbow then heard another sound, the same familiar sound ,followed by the blinding white light. She was struck again by the lightning. The lightning hit her heart , her heart exploded inside her chest, rainbow tried to yell in pain ,but all that was heard was a choking /gurgling sound ,as blood filled in her throat. She coughed up blood ,it also spilled from her nose and her eyes became blood shot , rainbow took one last gurgling breath,before she closed her eyes and her head sagged to the side, blood that was in her throat spilled out. Rainbow was...dead

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2022 ⏰

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